Monday, 15 September 2008

Big Sighs and Even Bigger Jeans

Back from the hols... sigh... I took this pic on our last morning from our balcony just so I can torture myself with it. Why does a week away from home go so quickly???? Why can't I now throw myself into writing with some sort of enthusiasm instead of sitting here gazing out of the window and driving myself mad with the "this time last week I was..." routine????

Being back with the cats was the only good point about coming home really. They'd all survived and were surprisingly pleased to see us (they usually sulk for days when we come back) so maybe they've been properly looked after and didn't miss us much at all. The house was still standing, Elle and The Doctor hadn't been arrested, and we hadn't missed any exciting events on the estate, so of course I immediately wanted to jump on a plane and go back again...

However, the downside to a holiday where you do very little other than eat and drink and laze about is that you tend to put on a bit of weight... A bit??? I've gone up an entire size and then some... The jeans I travelled out in aren't the ones I'm wearing now, or even the ones that I wore earlier in the year... My very-fat clothes have been dragged out of the wardrobe, I'm back to thinking about power-walking, dancing, skipping and hoola-hooping (these are the extent of my ventures into the dreaded world of exercise), and I'm going to have re-join Weight Watchers the very minute my birthday is over. Well, there's no point in starting Weight Watchers now only to have it all blown to smithereens over my birthday weekend, is there? So, two more weeks of cheese, cheese, cheese and the occasional chocolate bar (hourly) and maybe some chips - then it'll be healthy eating all the way to Christmas...

However, as I'll be writing Moonshine (I WILL!) in this time and will be sitting down a lot, I'm not hoping for any spectacular weight loss. Writing makes you fat - it does, it's nothing to do with the umpteen easy-to-eat-with-one-hand-while-typing snacks that are mandatory while working out a tricky plot moment.

Sooo - no more food for a while, no more hols til next year, and just the memories of sunshine and golden sands and turquoise seas and the fact that a few weeks ago I was a size 10... oooh, joy...


Jayne said...

Sounds lovely and looks idyllic.....I'd love to jetting off to somewhere warm and relaxing now....

On the other hand, I can highly recommend the WeightWatchers Online site. I've been re-signed up for 3 weeks now and it's going slowly but it is working. They've asked me to write a weekly blog for them too, which goes live early October, so I have to stick to it now! I can't exactly write about getting bigger every week....shouldn't imagine it's quite what they're looking for!

Christina Jones said...

mummy - as soon as I re-register with WW I'll pop along to the online site and catch up with your blog. I reached goal earlier this year and like going to the meetings because - well - I don't get out much... I WILL get back to my target weight. I WILL.... Good luck to you too - maybe we can encourage each other????

Jayne said...

Hey well done you getting to goal! Fantastic! I'm always up for some encouragement and motivation - hell knows I don't seem to have enough of my own! I think my week one blog is going live on 2nd Oct!

Christina Jones said...

mummy - I'll be there on 2 Oct then - and yes, I need a lot of support and motivation too so let's go for it! I lost 4 stones in 10 months (gained the 4 stones in a couple of years of complacent happiness) to get to goal and found it fairly easy really because I was so horrified by the reality of my Fat Photo...

Jayne said...

That's a fantastic loss! I lost two stones about 3 years ago but never quite got to goal. I comfort ate it all back on again a couple of years ago. I'm back on track to getting rid of it now but all the help I can get along the way! Let's go for it!!!

Christina Jones said...

mummy - I've never had a dieting buddy before, sounds great - okay - we'll go for it! I'll let you know how much I have to lose when I re-join and have my first weigh in and then we'll keep a weekly tally.

Jayne said...

Perfect!!! It sounds almost exciting....about as near as a diet can get to it anyway!

Christina Jones said...

mummy - I was going back to WWs today but have been asked to write some publicity stuff by Little,Brown and it's raining and I'm cold and hungry - so I'll sign-up next Weds instead and we'll start buddying next week - is that okay????

Jayne said...

Of means another week of cheese, ice cream and pizza...... :) Next week's blog will be interesting then!

Christina Jones said...

mummy - and - er - Toblerones... Mmmm, think your WW blog's going to get off to a cracking start at this rate!!!

Jayne said...

Since I've just come back from Pizza Hut it certainly will! Oh deary dear.....