Well - I've had a lovely two-week non-writing gap doing very, very little - except drafting four new outlines for the next four books because I'm now OUT OF CONTRACT and therefore unemployed and need a new deal pdq but am not overly-optimistic (I'm never overly-optimistic...) - and my agent is meeting my editor on Thurs for prelim talks - so it's all very tense chez Jones at the moment.
Which is why I'm glad I've got the wedding stuff to distract me. THREE weeks on Saturday - and such gorgeous spring-like weather at the moment... However, the long range forecast for Easter is not looking good - cold, windy, wet and possibly snowy is being hurled around on the met sites... That'll all play havoc with me fascinator - not to mention the silky sleeveless m-o-t-b frock. I WILL NOT worry about the weather just yet. And yes, I know we had a white Easter last year and it was lovely - but I really, really don't want one this year, okay?
Anyway, tomorrow we whisk Elle and her bridesmaids off to Gatwick, where they then fly to Majorca to catch a cruise ship to drift round the Mediterranean for 5 days of hen-bliss. Jealous? Moi? What do you think???? The other hen weekend is at the end of March and involves a spa - so I think I'll be okay with that. I quite fancy being pampered (I've never been to a spa or even had a facial before - is that a terrible admission??? - so it'll be a whole new experience).
Last weekend The Doctor had his stag do. It was very funny - apparently. They had a boys-doing-boys-things party first - go-karting, clay-pigeon shooting, quad biking etc etc. Then all dressed up as clowns (my dad would have been SO proud) they did the town. The Toyboy Trucker seems to have forgotten everything that happened after about 1a.m. and he came home without his wig (that's his stag-do wig, you understand, he doesn't need a toupee just yet...) and looking very pale... The Doctor took three days to recover...
Sadly there are no photos. Or that's what they all tell me.
Anyway, everything else is all coming together nicely. The seating plan is done (and what a minefield that was!), the menus sorted for those who are veggies, vegans, think tomato sauce is daring etc, the final frock fittings are on the 27th (DO NOT ask if mine fits at the moment!), the speeches are written (by me - AND Elle and The Doctor have asked me to do a reading in the service so I've written that too and I know I'll bawl all though it...), and accommodation has been sorted for those who need it.
All I need to do now is find a lovely personal "thing" to give Elle and The Doctor on the day. They don't want presents, and I've got my clever friend Jane to embroider a personalised wedding card, but I need a little keep-sake thing... All the websites seem to be much of a muchness - photo frames etc - so any/all suggestions will be more than welcome.
It all sounds so exciting and emotional at the same time. I hope the pre lim talks go well too. Be thinking of you. x
mummy - emotions are running VERY high - especially as yesterday was my mum's birthday and she would have SO loved to be part of all this. However, today I'm far more nervous about the new deal talks than I am about the wedding...
I can imagine. I hope yesterday wasn't too hard. It doesn't help with the mother's day reminders everywhere you go and even spam email too. It's driving me MAD! Will you find out about the talks quickly? The waiting must be awful :( I'm still thinking about gift ideas for you. x
mummy - I know you understand. I HATE all the mother's day stuff too. I've never let Elle buy me anything anyway because I loathe the commercialism, but it's just so sad to see all these "buy this for your mum" everywhere at the mo when you haven't got one and would really love one more than anything in the world.
It all sounds so exciting. I love the sound of the Hen cruise, and the spa, what bliss.
I'm sure you'll look gorgeous, you always do.
I love weddings. My brother and his girlfriend got engaged at Christmas and I was looking forward to a fab irish wedding (guess where she's from) but apparently they're having the wedding over here. Mind you, that will be fab too.
Debs - oooh I STILL want Elle and The Doctor to change their plans at the last minute and have the wedding at Gorey Castle!!! Your brother's wedding will be fab - even if you don't get the trip to Ireland...
Oh, help, fingers extra-double-crossed for the Contract Talks.
(I'm not really mentioning this - but are the nerves doing anything towards Getting Into The Dress? Like making you unable to eat, perhaps?)
Keepsakes... a friend of mine made an album of all the before-we-were-married snaps she took of her daughter and son-in-law. A kind of pre-wedding album covering the whole time since they met.
I'm sure the hen bliss cruise will somehow end up in one of your books, Chris!
Hope the agent/editor chat went well - here's to a new 4-book contract.
Hugs for yesterday; March and April are sad months for me, too.
Jan - thanks so much - the pre-wedding album is a great idea. I've got lots of pics of Elle and The Doctor since they've been together - so that'd be lovely. And yes, I am eating less at the mo - joint nerves about the wedding and the will there/won't there new deal...
Pat - lots of love and sympathy. Oh yes, believe me I've got LOADS of ideas from all this wedding stuff... And I'll be mega happy with a one book deal - I only did 4 outlines in the hope that they might like one of them - I've got no confidence at all... Haven't heard anything yet. Will let you know as soon as I do!
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