Moonshine is done!!! 25 chapters, 315 pages - all done! Written, delivered to my agent and my editor, checked, line-edited, revised, sent back - and today it's been accepted. On Friday it goes for copy-editing and out of my sight until the proofs. From today - now - this minute - I am a Moonshine-free woman!!! I've bloody done it!!! And I met the deadline! And I'm SO happy!!!! And totally exhausted. Tomorrow I shall do nothing but wallow - then I'll catch up on all those unanswered emails (sorry!), and the blog, and maybe the housework (or maybe not) and then I'll start writing the synopsisisisisi for the next two books - because (gulp) I'm now out of contract... Can't say any more now as my eyes won't work and my fingers have atrophied and I'm falling asleep at the keyboard - but I've done it!!!!!!!
{{Christine}}} I'm so happy (and proud) for you! Get some well earned rest and we'll wait to hound you for more (more, more, more!) blog posts a little later in the week.
Is there a publication date set yet?
Well done.
You must have worked like a woman possessed to manage it.
Humungous congrats!
Good for you, you industrious writing woman! I bet you are exhausted now? A nice day to do nothing, add a few nice cakes, and a few nice lattés and you'll feel refreshed. Can't wait for it to be released now! xxx
katiebird - thank you! At the mo it's out in hardback on Sept 3rd and paperback in early Feb next year - for Valentine's day - but this could change.
Suzanne - thanks so much. I'm SO relieved it's over...
Jan - Thanks! As you well know the fear of missing a deadline tunrs you into a sort of writing-robot - but yes, the last week was a bit manic (understatement!)
Claire - thank you! Today I'm going to lounge around and not even *think* about anything, anything at all - bliss!
WooHoo, many congratulations that's brilliant. You certainly deserve some wallowing time.
I can't wait to read it. x
Congratulations, I'm so thrilled for you, and I knew you could do it. What a star.
Pamper yourself and have a few days putting your feet up, you deserve it.
Hope I'm no too far behind you!
Much love,
Mags xxxx
Debs - thanks so much. Now the initial euphoria has worn off I'm worrying about how awful it is... one day I'll be a confident writer - maybe...
Mags - THANK YOU! Am willing you on through your own deadline hell - and sending love, hugs, and complete sympathy - you WILL do it!!!
Whoah! We who are not worthy salute you! As for that feeling of producing a novel that might not be good enough, I think it's something we all feel. I've just sat down after my recent rejection to reread my t/s thinking it must be a load of cr*p - but it isn't!! It's probably too long, though, so I'll cut it down and get it out there with more confidence. I'm sure your fears are entirely unfounded (pretty speedy acceptance there!)so here's wishing huge sales for Moonshine. Well done! (or as the word verification says, toot on!)
chrisH - oh, thanks so much - and for understanding. Of course your ts isn't rubbish - and yep, maybe it would benefit from a prune, and then - off you go!!! I had to do a prune on Moonshine in the end - and it hurt because each of those words was written with blood, sweat and tears (literally!!!), but of course my ed was right and I was wrong - again... Toot on to publication yerself!!!!
You must be totally shattered. Enjoy yor wallow cos you so deserve it.
Pat, thank you! Yep, frazzled and dazed and confused. But with the help of umpteen Crafe Aways (THANK YOU!!!) I did it - although lord knows how...
Congratultations Chris P x
Congratulations on finishing - enjoy the rest.
Blimey, you must have worked flat out to get that done! Well done :o)
well done and congrats and now you can enjoy some " you time" i will be counting the days till it is in the shop
*Does another happy dance for Chris!*
**whilst singing, she's done it, she's done it!**
Woo hoo! Star lady! well done you, you set your mind to it and did it!
Take plenty of time off, I recommend large cream cakes, tall lattes, even taller glasses of vino and some serious down time!
S xxxxxxx
A hearty pat on the back is called for I think and a spot of self indulgence. I would forget that nonsense about housework though. There's no need for that.
Well done :-)
Now chill out!
I've just been mooching through Amazon and saw the cover of Moonshine, which is gorgeous. So exciting.x
Can't believe I missed such an important and tremendously good blog! Whooooo! Well done you - can't wait to read it! xx
Hurray! How fabulous you made your deadline! Enjoy the time off.
hello, just peeked at amazon and saw the cover for moonshine looks fab.the synopsis left me wanting more can't wait to get my hand's on a copy. well done x
well done just read the synopsis on amazon left me wanting more, and the cover look's fab. just got to wait now till september boo.
YAY! Well done!
Oooh - I'm so sorry! I've been ignoring the computer for days while I regained a little sanity (?) - thanks so much for all your lovely posts - will start catching up and answering them now...
Phillipa - thank you! There were times when I thought I'd never make it...
Nell - thanks - and I will!
Karen - thank you. Mmmm - am still in a bit of a dazed and confused state...
Helen - thanks! And I really hope this one WILL be in the shops...
Sam - thank you! Oooh - don;t mention lovely fattening things - at least not until AFTER the wedding...
Gonna Be A Writer - thank you, and you'll be pleased to know the housework is still untouched...
Tam - thank you! I am!
Debs - I love the Moonshine cover too - just hope the book is worthy of it.
Mummy - thank you! I'm not suprised you missed The End - your life is hardly dull at the mo, is it??? Good luck with everything!
Womag - Thank you! I've enjoyed every min of the last 2 week of sloth. Now back to work..
Tiffeny - oh thank you! It was SO scary seeing the cover and the blurb on Amazon when I hadn't even written the book!!!!
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