This post is simply to say a HUGE HUGE HUGE public congratulations to my darling Toyboy Trucker because today he's passed his CPC!!! I'm SO proud of him. It was a killer - both in terms of studying and the legal, business, management and practical exams themselves - and although the slog was all over in February (and of course he was convinced he'd failed miserably) the results weren't known until today - and he's passed! All three exams! He's now fully qualified to run his own haulage company (if he ever wants to), has the top professional qualifications in road transport management and national road haulage, and is a STAR!
I do know how hard these exams are because when I wrote my lorry-driving novel - Running the Risk - Georgia, my heroine had to have a CPC in order to run her transport company and I sent for the study courses and exam papers as research. Sheesh! I was glad then it was only fiction.... Little did I know...
This is just the sort of joyous news we needed to lift our flagging post-wedding spirits while the Happy Couple are still frolicking in Hawaii and while I'm still dredging through the Moonshine proofs.
Hopefully we'll be celebrating wildly tonight!
However, I do have one reservation though - Toyboy Transport Manager simply doesn't have the same ring to to it somehow,does it?
Brilliant achievement! You just need to work on a new name now :o)
WooHoo, huge congratulations from R and me to TBT. What a brilliant achievement, no wonder you're both thrilled. X
Karen - thanks a million on TTT's behalf (he doesn't know I've blogged about it yet!) - but the name is going to give me some headaches I know...
Debs - thanks so much (and to R) - I guess you know JUST how much of an achievement this is. I'm SO bloody proud of him.
Congrats to TBT and you'll get used to TBTM in time I'm sure.
Cor! Big well done to Himself. Studying, when you're working (not to mention planning your daughter's wedding)is downright tough, so an even bigger achievement. Enjoy the celebrations.
Gonna be a Writer - Thanks on his behalf! This morning I'm thinking TBTM has a certain ring to it...
ChrisH - thanks so much! Yep, it was pretty tough while he was studying and working and with everything else we had going on - and he's just discovered there was a 64% failure rate for this exam nationally - so I'm even more proud of him for doing it now!
Congratulations to TBT!
Hope you both had a wonderful celebration.
Huge congrats to him, Chris!
Hi Christina. Congratulations to TBT!
I was wondering if you would be interested in doing an author interview for my site (http://chicklitreviews.wordpress.com). 5 or 6 short, simple questions. If you wouldn't mind will you email chicklitreviews@gmail.com with your email address so I can send you the questions?
Thanks, Leah
That is such wonderful news -- I'm so happy for TTBT! Although in this day and age it seems like he had to wait an unconscionably long time for the results.
(shaking head) 64% failure rate? That's pressure!
I'm proud to "know" you both!
Excellent news Chris! As you say, just what you needed to cheer you both up. He must be over the moon right now. Enjoy the celebrations!
Pat - thank you! Actually, it being a school night, we had one drink and dozed off in front of the telly... However, are intedning to celbrate properly next week when Elle and The Doctor are home again.
Jan - thank you!
Chicklitreviews - thanks so much Leah - and yes, I'd love to! Will email you now.
katiebird - thanks so much. All this caring and sharing from blogland helps a lot as he can now no longer share good news (or bad) with the outlaws - still not heard from any of them - good!
The Write Woman - many thanks. Will do. Just got to get my head round him no longer going to work in jeans and sweat-shirt - sounds as though it'll be a suit and tie before too long - how grown-up is that????
Great news! TBTM can wear the suit he had for the wedding every day now!
Olivia - lovely thought BUT the wedding suit was hired, so sadly not... And yes I do think he looks lovely scrubbed up BUT I've always loved him being a trucker and looking scruffy and hard-working and smelling of diesel (yeah, I know it's weird) because it's sort of, well, manly...
Say congrats from me, Chris. I've even done it in public on my latest blog. Silly, because no-one will know what I mean! Also pic of your three biggest fans there, too!
Lots of love xxx
Lesley - thanks so much. Will do! Will also now visit your blog and say hi (if it will let me - most don't...)
Go TBT! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is such brilliant news :D
Well done to him!!
Sorry to get here so late, but have to say mega congratulations to TTT. I am over the moon for him and he so, so deserves it.
Much love,
Mags xxxx
Mags - THANK YOU! I've passed your congrats on and they were very much appreciated. He's beginning to believe it now!
Mex5 - thanks so much! It was just what we both needed to boost us after the wedding of the year!
Congratulations TBT you deserve a holiday now lol.
Christina sounds very proud of you, awwwww
Congrats to all!!
Not been around for ages as my computer has had techniphobia and developed an allergy to email and the internet!!!!
Just like to say that the emergency evacuation centre in Happy Birthday was spot on Christina! re your reply to me ages ago, environmental health is as good, if not better, than the programmes on the TV! Especially as I do Food and Health and safety Think mucky kitchens and accidents!)
If you ever need a pet EHO - gove me a shout!
alzamina - snap with the computer blips - see today's post! Hope yours is better now too. Thanks so much for saying the village hall evac bit in Happy Birthday was *right* - it makes such a difference to know that these things are okay. People are quick enough to tell me when I've got it wrong - believe me! And as Midnight Feast involves FOOD I may be calling on your EHO expertise any minute now!!!
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