As Jill had promised publicly on Facebook that we would be bikini-clad and wrestle in jelly for the Rom Com Prize at yesterday's RNA Pure Passion Awards I'm delighted to say that she won it by a country mile and therefore there was no need for me to display my acres of wobbliness while rolling around in strawberry goo...
I was absolutely chuffed to bits that Jill won - because she's a great mate, a brilliant writer, and I love her. There was no flouncing or tantrums from me - I was just thrilled to ribbons to have been short-listed and to have been part of such a glitzy and auspicious occasion. I met so many friends, and made some new ones, and everyone looked fabulously glam. I loved every minute of it.
Congratulations to all the other award winners too, and while there was (in my opinion but then I'm a bit of a gannet) too little food (and that's pretty shocking considering my lovely publishers had generously taken me to lunch at Michel Roux's Brasserie - a mind-blowing gastronomical experience - BEFORE the Awards Ceremony), there was certainly more than enough champagne as can be seen from the - er - slight squiffiness in the pic (courtesy of Liz Fenwick)... This is me and Broo, my amazing and lovely agent, after our umpteenth glass...
A short blog post today because I'm still supposed to be working offline and trying to meet the Never Can Say Goodbye deadline (it WILL be done by next Monday!) - but I just wanted to say how thrilled and excited I was to have been shortlisted, and what a truly fabulous time I had. My heartfelt thanks to all concerned.
Ooooh,right - now back to reality. Big, big, big sigh....
Glad you had a good time in London - good luck on the deadline!!!!
Am busy polishing Shires for the Shire Show in must be about time someone got a heavy horse in Hassockborough!!! :-D
alzamina - many thanks on both counts. Shire polishing???? Blimey... And mmm maybe I could introduce a heavy horse or two... Cxxx
Glad to hear you had a good time and sorry you didn't win but being shortlisted is an amazing achievement anyway!
womag - thank you. I honestly knew TWTAWH wouldn't win but I did have a really fabulous time and was so proud to have been shortlisted. The best girl won - by a mile! Cx
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