Okay, now I'm not even sure I believe that heading. Still pinching myself, actually. Being longlisted was a dream come true - this is off the scale. Am so thrilled and excited I'm in real danger of becoming a bit of a drama queen/diva. Have skipped and whooped and beamed irritatingly at everyone since I heard the news. Well, WOW is all I can say...
Had an amazing day yesterday at the glam and glitzy Champagne Breakfast press launch announcement thingy (see how good I am with words?) - bubbles at 10 a.m. - how decadent is that??? In a swish club in Piccadilly no less. Oh, I loved it! Once the short-lists were officially announced, all the short-listed authors were photographed and filmed - we had to do one-to-one sound bite filmy snippets while smiling and holding our book and saying who we were, what the book was called, how we felt on being shortlisted and what the book was about. Simple, yes? No! Amazing how a man with a video camera can make you forget even the smallest, most familiar fact. I'm sure I wasn't the only person who couldn't remember their name. Or maybe I was...?
My face ached from smiling, my stomach ached from all that holding-in, and my head ached from far too much champagne far too early in the day - but it was WONDERFUL!
The awards ceremony is on March 7th - and this is where all the giddy excitement will end because I'm a realist and to be longlisted was amazing, to be shortlisted is the greatest thing to happen to me in my Bucolic Frolic career - but also shortlisted for the Rom Com Award are Jill Mansell and Sophie Kinsella. Yep - Rom Com Royalty. I'm just dead chuffed to even be on the same list - but let's be honest - it's like pitting non-league Crawley against Man U in the FA Cup, a moment of reflected glory to be savoured for ever, an event to enjoy without any unrealistic expectations. But I'm a feisty lass, so bring it on is all I can say.
Keep reading through previous blog posts when I was battling my way through writing TWTAWH (all that snarling about the title being changed and everything) and wish that I'd known then what I know now. It would have made writing it a whole lot easier if someone had given me a crystal ball...
Anyway, today I'm still floating around, beaming and annoying everyone - tomorrow my inner-editor will take over and tell me to get a shift on with Never Can Say Goodbye - but not today. Today is a day for flaunting and preening and stamping my silken slippers and tossing back my ringlets and declaring to anyone who is unfortunate enough to hear me "don't you know who I am?". Yeah, okay - I've tried it with milkman and the paperboy so far and they just gave me a scared look and hurried away - but I live in hope.
Shortlisted? Me? Blimey!
Congratulations! enjoy every minute!
Fantastic! Absolutely brilliant! Won't be there with you this year, but I can rely on you to drink my share of the champagne. And in my opinion, you've always been up there with Jill, and way beyond the other one.(Sorry, my opinion only!)
Fingers and everything else crossed.
Love, Lesley xxx
It was lovely to see you yesterday - and wasn't the fizz luverly?
I for one am not in the least surprised you are up for the Rom Com award. TWTAWH is a fabulously funny, warm-hearted book, so there.
Sharing your fantastic news, Chris - very excited for you and can't wait to hear the next instalment! Fingers and everything else crossed!
Nell - thank you so much. I will, I promise you! Cx
Lesley - thank you as always. And for the very kind comments - but I really don't think I'm in the same league. Such a shame we won't be able to get - er - unsteady together this year but trust me, I'll raise a glass or several to you. Cx
Jan - thank you so much - and yes, yesterday was fabulous. Still blinking over your fabulous frock! How are you ever going to top that on the 7th????? Many, many congrats to you on your shortlisting, too. Up the Joneses???? Cx
Olivia - thank you so much. I truly am still pinching myself. Cx
Congratulations! What a wonderful feeling :) And Champers at 10.00hrs? I'd be guaranteed to be rip-roaringly hoopla'd by 11.00hrs :) But that's just lightweight old me! Glad you had a jolly time - TWTAWH is on my Amazon Wish List for my birthday, but it's not until Tuesday, so another re-run of Love Potions it is until I get my hands on it! Big pat on the back for you, and a large slice of cakey too :) Love Claire xxx
Congratulations, Christina!!! I was so thrilled when I saw your name on the shortlist - and you are a goddess of romantic comedy. Nobody does romantic comedy better than you.
Your books cheer me up, lift my mood and make me laugh out loud, so this nomination is well deserved.
Claire - thank you so much - and Happy Birthday to yoooooo!!!! Hoopla'd by 11 am? Yep, that was me, too. Two glasses and I was full-on stumbling, mumbling, fumbling - it was lovely.... Cx
Julie - thank you so much for those lovely words... gulp. Er - me - a goddess???? Hardly - I've just seen the photos of "the day". I look like Nerys Hughes.... But it was very kind of you to say so. I may well show-off a bit now... Cx
Wow, well done, and good luck!
Huge congrats, Chris - look forward to celebrating with you at the Awards. P x
Christina, congratulations and best of luck. The first of your books I came across was Hubble Bubble and I fell promptly in love with the characters and the setting and then searched out and read every other book you have written. Love them all! Have just pre-ordered TWTAWH and can't wait. You deserve every accolade! We Aussies love you!
womag - thank you! Sorry, late replying, so you'll know I didn't win but being short-listed was just the loveliest thing that has ever happened to me. Still floating! Cx
Philippa - thank you so much - and it was brilliant to see you yesterday and have such a laugh. Once you'd recognised me scrubbed-up that is.... Cxxxxx
Paula - oh, thank you so much! I do hope you'll like TWTAWH - and as for the accolades - well, it doesn't get much better than your blog post actually. THANK YOU! Cxxx
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