And after he'd gone, and I'd staggered knee-deep in hungry cats to the kitchen, I found a hand-written anniversary card from him. Now, we don't usually do anniversary cards because we know how we feel and tonight's anniversary firework party says it all for us - but we've had a particularly trying year for all sorts of reasons, and he'd written:
"I just wanted to say thank you for sharing my hopes and dreams and for being wonderful. You support me, laugh with me, make my successes sweeter and my disappointments more bearable. I'm so lucky that you share my life. Where would I be without you? Happy anniversary - with all my love always..."
I was in bits! Awash! Schmaltzy? Maybe - I don't care. Bring it on! I thought it was just wonderfully romantic... All these years together and he can still surprise me and make me go - oooh!!!
And we're having fireworks and champagne and fish and chips on the village green outside the house tonight - and everyone turns up and joins in and it's great. We had a Novemberthe Fifth firework wedding (and an even more explosive wedding reception which is why the majority of our wedding photos have a paramedic in them) because we love fireworks... And to celebrate this and to give Heaven Sent another bite of the cherry (and because other people find it amusing, I think) Little, Brown have asked me to post a piece about my lifelong love of fireworks and the wedding day (I left out the bit about the paramedics because it's scary) on their website - so if you want to know what really happened (except not the bit involving the paramedics) go to.... www.littlebrown.co.uk/home
Now off to read that card again, feeling even more gooey and romantic and starry-eyed than usual...
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary, Chris and TT!
And I want to know about the paramedics, so there!
I hope you both had a fab time at the firework party last night. I love the piece on the Little Brown website - I didn't know the poor man was stuck in Warrington the night before, bless him. You must have been so worried he wouldn't make it back in time for the wedding.
And as for his card - oh, it made me cry. It's so lovely. Straight from the heart.
Thinking of you both.
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
thank you womag - it was lovely...
thanks jan - and sorry but the paramedics story is far too sensitive for these pages...
mags - we had a great time, and thanks for the good wishes. Gald you liked the LB piece.
Happy Anniversary to you both! The card is beautiful, it made me cry so heaven only knows what it did to you.
I hope you had a wonderful evening, it sounds perfect, and I hope there were no paramedics required this time! Off to read the LB piece now. x
What beautiful words from the Toyboy Trucker.
Glad you had a lovely anniversary, hope the party was fun. x
I'm lucky enough to have a lovely husband like that too :o)
Used to love fireworks until we got Molly-dog, but she's SO scared of them it's put me off!
mummy - yes, we had a great time, thanks - and no, there were no paramedics this time...
debs - yes, he can be rather sweet at times... and the party was brill.
karen - we're dead lucky to have romantic men - and you wouldn't believe the rigmarole we go through so that all our cats and the neighbours' animals aren't terrifed by our fireworks.
Awww Christina,
How romantic - lucky girl!
Your life is straight out of one of your books isn't it?
Congratulations on your anniversary. I hope you coming years are less trying for you.
Eleanor x
ellesbelles - thanks so much. Mmmm - that's one of the drawbacks of blogging - before the blog everyone thought I made my books up - now they know I just take chunks from my Real Life...
I think that makes them even more fantastic!!
ellesbelles - thanks for understanding my research methods so well - vbg!
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