Elle and The Doctor are home from here! This is where they've spent the last three weeks. It's Hawaii's only 6-star hotel - and is clearly paradise. It's called Halekulani and means "house befitting heaven" - which it obviously is and was....
They had an amazing honeymoon in Hawaii and came home via Chicago and Washington. Jealous? Me? What do you think???? But it was wonderful to collect them at Heathrow and do that embarrassing hurling myself at them (I'd sworn I wouldn't - but just got swept away in the heat of the moment) as they emerged into the arrivals hall. And they were so brown! The doctor, of course, is always brown - but was, to his delight, even browner - especially his legs (which he showed us straight away much to Heathrow's amusement) and Elle is a gorgeous toffee colour. Sigh...
Despite having just travelled for 26 hours (business class - natch) they talked non-stop all the way home in the car and I gather that Hawaii is simply the best place on earth. It all sounded quite incredible - especially the vivid colours everywhere and the exotic flowers (Elle is no gardener and The Doctor can't tell one plant from another but they both seem well up in hibiscus, oleanders and orchids now) and the rainbow fishes and the warmth and friendliness of the Hawaiian people... I am not jealous, I am not jealous, I am not jealous....

This was their bathroom - gulp - where they could simply float in scented, candlelit water and gaze at the sea - and no, I'm still not even a teeny weeny bit jealous... And they can now both do Polynesian dances and were very moved by the Pearl Harbour memorial, spent a day on the Lost island, did the Obama trail, and have discovered the joys of The Cheesecake Factory... I'm sure there will be lots more stories emerging once they're no longer jet-lagged and have stopped sulking about it being All Over.
Still, now they're home, hopefully we can get to grips with the official photographs of the wedding - blimey, how long ago does that seem now??? I'm really looking forward to having a wallow in the memories of the day - and might even manage to post a pic of the m-o-t-b frock at last...
Now - back to reality. I'm getting on with Midnight Feast, The Toyboy Trucker is getting to grips with being a Toyboy Trucking Manager, and Elle and The Doctor have to go back to work! Hah!
Superb. What an amazing experience. A once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-forgotten trip after that stupendously wonderful wedding - memories to last forever. I am so thrilled for them. And, no, I'm not remotely jealous, either!!
Much love,
Mags xxxx
Mags - thank you, and jealous? Course not! What's to be jealous about - after all I have my overgrown garden to stare at and have just turned the central heating on again as the wind howls from the north-east...
Well, I don't envy them a 24 hour flight - even if it was in business class.... Other than that bit, it sounds heavenly!
My son's girl friend gave me some tropical plants that she planted for me; they'll just have to do for now.
I saw your facebook note -- you're very brave! And I can't wait to read the final version.
Well, I am a teeny bit green about that bathroom. It's been hectic, with too many visitors at what I now call Hotel H - soaking in a bath with that view would really do me a power of good!
Oh rats, I'm not on Facebook (banned by my daughters) would love to see what you are being brave about.
katiebird - in the absence of anything remotely tropical I've just planted sweet-peas in the hope that they'll blossom into something magical too. Not brave - had to do it. Just hope it was the right thing - gulp!
ChrisH - nope, not remotely jealous of the bathroom - much!!!! As we have a bathroom the size of a coffin I'd LOVE to wallow in something like that too... sigh...
Elle banned me from Facebook too so I joined while she was away! Being brave (or stupid) about deleting all 45,000 words-so-far of Midnight Feast and starting again. It had died horribly - and now I like it - I think...
If you don't want those 45,000 words, can I have them :)?!
ChrisH - with pleasure! But they're all pretty rubbishy - honest. There wasn't a single one worth saving. The new ones are much nicer - if a lot less (at the mo).
That hotel looks simply fabulous. I was in Hawaii once - but it was the cheapest backpacker hostel I could find for me. It is a marvellous place, and to go there and stay in the very best hotel.... sigh. But that's what honeymoons are all about - putting in place some magical shared memories which will last forever.
womag - oh, lucky you! I bet it was magical! I know I'll never see Hawaii in the flesh - so *any* vicarious experiences are more than welcome - sigh... And yes, it was a once-in-a-lifetime thing for Elle and The Doctor - and something they'll remember forever...
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