Sorry - had to do the title phonetically as "Reading at Reading" looked weird. And of course this post is far too late to be any use in a promotional way (the story of my disorganised life) but this is just a quickie to say if any friends and Bucolic Frolic readers are anywhere in the Reading (that's Redding) area tomorrow (Monday June 15th) I'm giving a reading (that's reeding) at the Central Library at 6 pm as part of their Arts Festival shindig - and I'd be thrilled to bits to see you there.
More details at http://www.readingarts.com/othervenues/whatson/event.asp?id=SXC621-A7818625 - think you can cut and paste that... (she says in her usual non-techy manner) - anyway, there are refreshments included which makes it well worthwhile in my opinion...
And, to be honest, it's not a reeding (but I still liked the reading/Reading thing so I used it in a sort of artistic licence way) - it's more a Q&A session as a) I make everything I read aloud sound like a dirge and b) I've got a bunged up nose and therefore keep sniffing and c) at least if people ask questions they might stay awake...
I'd love to see anyone who might be in Redding at 6pm (although why anyone would want to be I have no idea, as surely the shops will have shut and everyone will have gone home for their tea?) at the Central Library (in Abbey Square) because, quite frankly, if it's just me and Em-Next-Door-As-Was (she's coming along to organise me - making sure I have a clean hankie and have been to the loo etc - and to sell my books for me - hopefully) and three librarians I'll probably cry...
This is the first time Redding have invited me to do anything - and I'm really looking forward to it - and as all my books are set in Berkshire I think it indicates that they must have forgiven me for portraying the royal county as a mad place inhabited by even madder people...
Am just off now to polish up my spontaneous answers to pithy questions like "why don't you look like your photo?", "why aren't you Katie Fforde?", "do you earn as much as that Harry Potter bloke?" and "why don't you write like Jackie Collins. I likes Jackie Collins. Why don't you do sex?" - all things I've been asked more than once and really should be able to answer without sobbing by now.
And if you can't make it in person I really, really hope you'll be there in spirit as I think I'll need all the help I can get...
Oh, Gosh -- I'll miss it this time around. But, if I can get myself to England sometime, maybe we could meet at a library to visit for real?
I've worked in libraries all my life and author's visits always draw respectable crowds. After all, for authors, "that's where the fans are" - aren't they?
(I'm so glad I woke up and checked the blogs, it's 4:35am here)
Don't forget to post the news to facebook!
katiebird - good morning - blimey that's hellishly early - it's um - about 10.30 a.m. here... oh, yes would LOVE to meet up with you when you're in the UK - and yes, you're right about the reeders turning out for library events - anything I've ever done at libraries has been wonderful and great fun - just keep your fingers crossed that this one goes well.
Oh dear, I'd have loved to be there too, Chris. But it's a hell of a pull from here :(
Perhaps if I shout my questions really loudly and you shout back really loudly... Errm, it's not going to work, is it?
Have fun anyway.
jan - many thanks for the miles and miles of encouragement anyway -very much appreciated. But to be honest it's hardly worth the umpteen hour drive for a cup of tea and a custard cream is it?
Well, I am extremely fond of tea... What sort of custard cream?
As Redding used to be known as Biscuit City I guess it would have to be a Huntley & Palmers custard cream - or whatever H&P is now - probably been taken over by Heinz or British Gas or something. All too confusing for me I'm afraid.
I'll be there in spirit, Chris.
I'll be asking: "Where do you get your ideas?" *smile*
Pat - thanks! I know someone will ask me that (in reality - well, as long as there's someone there *to* ask of course...) and they won't believe the answer anyway...
I would love to be there, but will be thinking of you and know you'll make it fab and fun too.x
It'll have to be in spirit I'm afraid. I don't finish work until 5. Sod that day job it just gets in the way of all the good stuff. Just kidding Boss man if you're reading (or is it redding)this. You know I looooovvee my day job. Good luck tomorrow night.
If I lived a bit closer I'd definitely be there - biscuits or not. My question would be "what sort of books do you write?"
Okay, I'm kidding! I hope it goes well.
will be there in spirit as well as is a bit far from Lincolnshire!!
Another one for your conversations - young 'hard' lad and his mates looking at my BF's cows whilst watching a hand milking display. Lad gets out his penkinfe and walks up to one of the cows and says "'ere mate - can I butcher this one - i really love bacon!"
I disappeared behind a haybale with crossed legs from laughter as my bf points out that you don't get bacon from cows - especially pedigree Aberdeen angus. You get beef from cows. " wots beef then?" asks the youf. My bf resorts to very basic english and says "this is your posh burger king burger or sunday dinner with it clothes on!"
young lad wonders off looking very confused leaving me on the floor holding my stomach with laughter and my bf hanging of one of the cows unable to stand for laughter!
Debs - thanks so much - but still think you're better off not being there because it (I) might be truly awful.
Gonna be a writer - thanks a million and of course the day job must come first - although I'd love to meet you! I said it was a weird time though - sort of betwixt and between...
Karen - thanks - and I still think the biscuits are going to be the high point... I dunno the answer to your question!!!
alzamina - thanks for the good wishes. Mmm - a bit too far to travel for a biscuit. Oh lordy - don't get me started on the yoof of today (it made me smile though - but in a sad way)...
Good luck with the Q & A's, wish I lived closer. As I've mentioned before I want to move to Fiddlesticks, or somewhere in the vicinity of so I'm sure I could ask loads of questions about the inhabitants, just so I'd know the best house to choose of course!
Lori - thanks for the good wishes. I wish you lived closer too - and I'll fight you for the best house in Fiddlesticks!!!
I'm joining the 'there in spirit' gang - will be thinking of you, in fact I'm thinking of you already as I guess you're already getting nervous and practising responses to the inevitable questions ... Please let us know how it goes. I'm doing a similar one myself at my local library soon. By the way I LOVED the cartoon with the sprinklers!! (You won't need those, or anything else, to keep your audience awake - a few tales of your overheard-conversations will have 'em on the edges of their seats!).
Olivia - thanks a million! Good luck with yours - when is it???
Thanks, Chris. My talk is on Tuesday 30th - two days before the new book comes out, which is quite good timing! Well: how did yours go??
Olivia - have marked the 30th on my calendar - have a great time! Have you promo'd it your website etc? Mine was really great (phew!) - just going to post about it...
I'm putting it in a newsletter I'm sending out later this week about the new book and forthcoming dates etc. And I'll be blogging about it of course!
Looking forward to reading about yours ...
Dear Christina,
How completely cool are you? I'm afraid I've only just 'discovered' you by accident, trawling though one of the Cambridge libraries. I can't read books anymore the way I used to; a horrible history of Lupus and glaucoma operations means I listen to audiobooks instead, and the selection at the libraries is often dire but sometimes superb - like Karen Cass reading 'Heaven Sent'. I'm on disc 7, only one more to go. It's Christmas and the delicious Guy still doesn't have a clue about Clemmie's real passion - or does he?!
Anyway, I'm so glad you exist and are writing, and I'm only at the first of your books!!
Thankyou again,
Hope everything went well for you! Library talks seem fewer here these days, sadly...
Christina, I've decided that my new dream is to go to England and visit all the charming towns you've so wonderfully described in your novels!! ( :) )
Olivia - still rooting for yours being a huge success. Thinking of you melting today!!! Will blog about mine - promise - been on hols...
Shaista - so delighted to meet you - and thanks a million for saying such nice things about the audio books - but so very sorry that you can no longer read - can't imagine how awful that must be - although did have a very brief period after Epstein Barr and Retinitus when I was in the same position. Luckily mine was temporary. Happy Birthday is out in audio now too and I've just signed the contract for the audio edition of Moonshine - I really hope you'll enjoy them too. Again - THANK YOU - you've made my day.
Amanda - double pah! Wish I'd remembered to blog about it earlier now - would have loved to have met you. Maybe next time???
Penny - thank you so much - it went really well and I LOVE doing library talks because you get to meet such lovely people and real readers - agree there should be far more of them.
Katiebird - it's a date!
It's a shame I didn't find you earlier - this is right up my line!
orangepan - oh, shame we missed each other. If I'm ever asked back to do anything in Redding I'll post about it earlier next time - promise.
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