This is possibly gross misuse of a blog - but I've just done something stupid. No? Really??? Yep. You see, I've just had a lovely email from someone called Karen (who says she's reads the blog)and I was going to reply to it and instead of hitting the reply button I hit delete - and it's gorn!!! Forever! And I can't remember anything else other than your first name and I'd hate you to think that I've ignored you - so PLEASE Karen if you read this can you email me again. My only excuse is that we're being decorated (at last!!!) and the computer is perched on the landing (which is the only safe and non-disrupted place in the house) and it's a bit gloomy... Do hope you'll see this and send me the email again....
Oh no! That's just the sort of thing I would do, um, have done.
LOL!! I'm not the only one that suffers from wrong buttonitis then
seen your ad!! http://www.writersbureau.com/writing/ontv.htm
Hmmm. Well I'm Karen but I'm fairly certain it wasn't me although I do read your blog and might well have emailed you. My memory's pretty shabby but ... nope, it definitely wasn't me!
Hope she's contacted you again :o)
Christina, I think the Karen you mean (who is absolutely lovely) is the writer of the Get On With It blog - she's also a member of Novel Racers, which is a great blog to read. If you pop over to my blog, literascribe, there's a link on my blogroll to hers. Hope this helps!
debs - ooh, don't you just hate it when that happens? I'm glad I'm not the only one though...
alzamina - nope - it's clearly a universal trait - and blimey - have you seen the ad? Fortunately I haven't - although I've been told it's out there...
Karen - no, you're okay - you're not going doo-lally - it must be another Karen and the email was great because she understood about second-hand books and authors not getting royalties from them - which is why I *had* to write back.
Lorna F - thanks so much for your help but see above - think it's not (now off to look at your blog!) the same Karen.
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