I love Halloween. I always loved it when I was little, before it became commercial, and my mum would make cut-out witches and black cats to dangle round the house and we'd have tea by candlelight and my dad would tell really scary ghost stories. This was possibly because both my nans tended towards witchcraft anyway, so it seemed quite normal. It would probably be classed as child abuse today... I'm not sure that I love today's updated and far more sinister Trick or Treat - but we do have a bowl of cheap and nasty sweets ready for tonight's onslaught by the yoof of the estate. The Toyboy Trucker is hoping tonight's forecasted heavy rain will keep the yoof of the estate indoors so that he can chomp his way through the crud while watching Match of the Day.
It's also Dexter's birthday today. He's two. He was named after the psychopathic, amoral serial killer of the telly series because - well - he is a psychopathic, amoral serial killer... He's also cute. Very.
And the rest of the non-writing non-Halloween weekend will be spent clearing out the last remnants of the living room ready for the tarting up process to begin on Monday. Gulp....
Oooh, Dexter looks so cute! Happy birthday to him. J's favourite programme is Dexter, he loves it.
Enjoy clearing out the living room and have a fab Halloween.
We only got 7 or 8 visitors last night and they came in 2 groups so there were planty of sweets left for Match of the Day (Chelsea did well.)
Good luck with the tarting up.
I don't like the trick or treating - much more sinister than it used to be. I always put up a notice saying no trick or treat - bah humbug!
Love Dexter - very psychopathic eyes!
Hope you had a fab Halloween.
Here in Poland we do All Saints, i.e. today. Everybody goes to the cemetaries to visit the graves of their nearest and dearest, light gravelights, lay out wreaths and flowers. Have just been to the oldest cemetary in Warsaw, and there were CROWDS around - also some English speaking tourists! I love the pagan atmosphere of the day, the smell of wet leaves and melting wax in the air. Not to mention how beautiful the cemetaries look, all aglo...
Happy birthday, Dexter!
Debs - thanks. Mmmm - telly-Dexter is too harsh for me I'm afraid. Must be a bloke thing. Thinking of you with Na-No... good luck!
Colette - snap! We also got some really cute little kids dressed as pumpkins but they had to have chocolate buttons so TTT managed to celebrate Chelsea's win with a lot of the disgusting stuff!
Jilly - thank you from me and Dexter. He has the scariest eyes of any cat we've ever had! Well-named I think. Daren't put up no T or T round here - red rag to a bull... (or hoodied yoof).
ptasia - oooh that sounds amazing! My friend Em is Polish and she does the lighting candles on the grave thing here too - but I don't think it's anywhere near as atmospheric as yours sounds. How truly spooky - your description is amazing. Thank you.
Jan - thanks! He had a great time - chicken and tuna and a new fluffy toy to disembowel...
Dexter looks like butter ( or at least cream) wouldn't melt in his mouth!! So cute.
There were a few kids round here but, as my son is in Florida with his dad on holiday, I escaped for a bit of 'culture' at the theatre - well Kevin B****y Wilson!! Not laughed that hard in ages.
Good luck with clearing out - remember someone once said “Sometimes I want to clean up my desk and go out and say, respect me, I'm a respectable grown-up, and other times I just want to jump into a paper bag and shake and bake myself to death” - hehe is it chocolate fudge cake shake and bake?
alzamina - Dexter looks cute - but looks can be very deceptive... I'd never heard of Kevin B-y Wilson until Elle and The Doctor went to see him last year. They loved him. Not sure he's my cup of tea - my sense of humour is - um - odd... Clearing out went well. Ruthless wasn't in it this time!
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