Happy Anniversary to The Toyboy Trucker (and me)! Still think it was a lovely sparkly colourful noisy day to get married - and we're going for the annual full communal village green firework, fish and chips and champagne anniversary party tonight. Can't wait!
The Toyboy Trucker brought me a cup of tea in bed this morning, along with a card and a shopful of flowers. It was wonderful - even if it was 5a.m. Luckily I'd bought him a card this year too - and the words in both were identical - romantic not sloppy or funny - which we reckon shows we're still on the same wavelength even after all these years. And they said it wouldn't last! Honestly - most people gave us six months at the most. Hah and ya-boo-sucks to them! I bought him chocolates. Elle and The Doctor gave us a pantechnicon-load of fancy doughnuts for tonight's party. We had to test-drive them though - even at 5a.m.... Fantastic!
While I was buying the chocolates yesterday (in Thorntons - there's posh!) - the customer in front of me was having a message iced on to her chocolate thingy (not sure what it was meant to be). She wanted "Keep Smiling". The assistant carefully manoeuvred her icing bag with a steady hand and eventually held up the result. I shook my head. It said "Keep Smileing". I pointed out the mis-spelling - and after much argument with two other assistants and three customers, the offending icing was scraped off and a second attempt was made. This time it said "Keep Smilling". There was a further prolonged argument and a lot of huffing and puffing before the third attempt passed muster. After the customer had left happily clutching her correctly-spelt confectionery the assistant suggested, a touch tersely, that it would have been far more economical for the shop if I'd just kept my mouth shut...
And then, even worse, in the card shop, while browsing through umpteen anniversary cards and discarding the ones with pipes and slippers or cartoon pictures of pneumatic blondes, they started playing smooth, chill-out background music. Unfortunately, it was Cavatina - the theme from The Deer Hunter - which is a total no-no for me. It holds such heart-breaking memories that I'm always reduced to a soggy, sobbing, heaving wreck within seconds... This is Not A Good Thing in a small shop crowded with pensioners punching their way through the "350 Christmas Cards For £2.50" section. With tears pouring down my face, and hiccuping back howls, I dropped the card I'd chosen and forced my way through the throng into the street. Not-too-hushed hisses of "...she'm drunk!" and "...shoplifting, you mark my words..." and "...they're all doo-lally up on 'er estate..." followed me. Ooooh, the humiliation...
Lovin that photo. Have a eonderful time.
Colette - thanks so much and the pic is dead romantic isn't it???
Happy Anniversary and have a great time. I loved the story about the Keep Smiling chocolate!
Fabulous photo!
A very Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely Toyboy Trucker.
I'm not surprised it's lasted so long, you have a wonderful relationship and obviously adore each other. Many, many more happy years to you both from R & me. xxx
Happy anniversary and I love the picture.
Happy Anniversary! And have a great Bonfire Night...
love the pic - kinda reminds me of the scene from Milton St John in Heaven Sent!
Had a lovely time in the garden with fireworks last night - son has now discovered his inner pyromaniac and loves fireworks that are large and go bang! Other half (being ex forces) is a total pyromaniac was trying to set off 2 at once - me- i was trying to sort out the food for them! Brilliant evening!
Oh, Happy Anniversary BTW. x
Happy belated anniversary... I suppose there's no chance of a doughnut? I would love to have witnessed Icinggate! Well done you for speaking out, even if they weren't thrilled in the shop. Sheesh! You'd think the icing service would extend to correct spelling as well!
Lovely picture. Congrats on your anniversary. The LSO and I will have clocked up 42 years soon. (I was a child bride) His Mum wouldn't let him pack any clothes when we got married and he moved in with me. She said he wouldn't be around long enough to need a change of underwear. I wonder what she'd say now if she's looking down from the overloaded 'Orrible Mother-in-Law cloud up in the sky.
Lovely photo of the pair of you ;o)
Sobbing in a card shop is much more acceptable than public displays of bad spelling. It annoys me no end, even though I'm terrible at Maths and wouldn't know my algebra from my elbow.
The look and feel of ur blog is amazing..nice post!! Sometimes, I am very finicky abt grammar n spellings. Could easily relate with de incident!!
Gorgeous photo.
Don't you just hate it when people who need to be able to spell or punctuate for their job, just can't?
Olivia - thank you. The Keep Smiling chocolate might have to be included somewhere someday...
Debs - Aw thank you so much... now I've gorn all soppy and sentimental...
Jilly - thank you!
ptasia - thank you - and we did!
alzamina - thank you - and yours sounded fabulous! You're so good at descriptive stuff - why aren't you a writer???
ChrisH - doughnuts sadly - um - vanished... Icingate funny in retrospect but probably should have kept my mouth shut... Wonder how many people get chocolatey things with wrong spellings and don't notice????
Lynne - thank you - and congrats for yours up-coming. Oh, your m-i-l thing made me laugh - sounds on a par with mine - bless 'em. And no way can you have been married for 42 years!!!! You don't even look 42 now!!!!
Karen - thank you. And still crimson-up thinking of sobbing uncontrollably - last time it happened (same tune) was in a pub and as I fled out howling everyone rounded on the Toyboy Trucker for upsetting me... I'm with you on the spelling AND the maths!
Vaudeville of Exhilaration - well, wow! That's the best name EVER! And thanks so much for liking the blog - and for being another spelling pedant...
womag - thank you. And yes, it drives me insane - I spent ages on the last hols altering notices in the hotel that had apostrophes in the the wrong places. TTT acted as look-out while I became the phantom scribbler-outer....
LOL - definately not a writer - just have a very vivid imagination and daft sense of humour!
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