Ooooh - at last! MOONSHINE is "out there" today. I'm so excited. No excuses - I'm filled to the brim with publication day euphoria!!! And having just flipped back through this blog, I've read the posts I wrote last year about the struggles (me and the computer being - er - out of action at the same time and the panic about meeting the deadline) I had with actually getting Moonshine written at all, I think it's nothing short of miraculous that it all turned out so well.
Heartfelt thanks are due to Emma and Donna, my editors, who must have wondered if they'd ever see the finished manuscript, and to Broo, my agent, who was wonderfully kind and supportive throughout the whole racketty business.
Today I'm celebrating solo - but the lovely Debs is very generously running a publication day competition for me over at her fab blog:
Debs has a signed copy of MOONSHINE to give away. If you want a chance to win a freebie copy, you have until Sunday to post a "pick me" message on her blog. I hope you'll all rush over to Deb's "shed blog" (vbg) and have a go.
Thanks so much to everyone who has reported MOONSHINE sightings already. Very cheering. It's so lovely to know it really is, well, REAL - at last. I shall spend today lurking round WHS (again) just in case... Our great local indie bookshop - The Bookstore - is arranging a shop-front display today, but keeping it low-key as I'm doing my official launch party/signing session there on Feb 13th to tie in with Valentine's Day.
Ooooh, sorry - I'm so excited - think I might have to go and lie down now...
Congratulations Christina!
I think I need to go and lie down now too, Christina! I've been swept away with all the excitement of your blog posting!
Well done. After all that hard work, it must be a wonderful feeling to see your 'baby' in print.
How many books it is now? 16? 17? A true inspiration to us all.
Julie xx
Phillipa - thank you!!! A milestone I thought I'd never reach! I LOVE Broo!!!
Julie -thanks so much - I really hope I haven't over-egged the self-promo and exhausted everyone with my enthusiasm - I do tend to go a bit OTT... It is a GREAT feeling though - and this is number 18!!! 18!!!! I didn't think I was capable of writing ONE!!!
Congratulations Christina, I can't wait to read Moonshine!
Janice x
Whoooooo!!! What a battle you had to get to this day Christina - enjoy every second!!!! I'm over the moon(shine) for you - see what I did there? lol Will go and have a celebratory brew for you and will be buying my own copy as soon as payday arrives :) lots of love xxxxx
Janice - thank you so much! Very much appreciated. I do hope you enjoy it if/when you read it,too.
Jayne - mmm - blood, sweat and tears by the bucketload... I need a cup of tea NOW!
I'd make you one, but it would be stone cold by the time I delivered it!
Yay - congratulations - open lots of bottles of red! Can't join you as they will react with painkillers :-(
Happy Publication Day, Chris! Enjoy all the excitement - you've earned it! xx
Hearty congratulations Christina. Enjoy every moment!
Fabulous, Chris!
Congratulations - definately time for a lay down.
18 Books - crikey, congrats and all that. How have your launch activities gone? Do we get to see another PLF (posh launch frock)??
Glad I picked up that magazine (SHE I think it was) ages ago with a free copy of Going the Distance on it, that is what got me hooked on the books - still have that copy,getting a bit tattered now - lol
Heres to the next 18!?!
Christina, this must be very exciting for you! But, I have a question.... How did I manage to buy a copy last August?
I've not only got it but, I've read it TWICE! (It's just that good, folks) What's the deal? Did Amazon send it out early by mistake?
I saw it in WHSmith in Boscombe, about 3 hours after I'd ordered it from Amazon... Anyway I have a copy and it is next to be read.
Jayne - but it's the thought what counts! Ta!
Alison (aka VA) - thanks so much - I did get a bit over-excited... reallt, really hope you'll like it Cx
alzamina - will do! Hopefully you'll be joining me in raising a glas or two soon. C x
olivia - thanks so much.
Martin - thank you!
Jan - thanks so much!
Colette - thanks so much - think I'll need loads of lay downs after all my over-excitement...
alzamina - see next post re frocks - oooh dear... and I'm more glad than you'll ever know that you picked up the mag with the freebie on it!
katiebird - thank you! Can't believe you've read it TWICE! And it was out in hardback last Aug but not "on sale" as such. Amazon had a small supply, but the hardback is mostly for libraries - so the paperback publication day is the first time it'll get into real shops. C x
womag - thank you so much! Both for the buying it (so very grateful!) and for the WHS spotting! Made my day!!!C x
It must have come out early in NZ as i picked it up at the library about three weeks ago. Just read it this week and finished it this afternoon. Lots of fun. Really enjoyed it.
Wow, they don't do that here (USA) at all! In fact if anything, Libraries get books last!
I'm so glad I was keeping a close eye on Amazon though. Until someone gives me a Kindle, I like my books in hardback!
Rowena - oh, thank you! I didn't even know it was out in NZ - that's fantastic news. And I'm so, so pleased you liked it - phew!!!
Katiebird - Thank you! I'm delighted you keep an eye on Amazon too and am so grateful that you go to the huge expense of buying my books that way. So wish I could get an American publisher... And yes, I've come to realise that we in the UK are VERY lucky with our library system.
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