No, not the title of my next book (although after TWTAWH it may well be), or even an indication that the aforementioned TWTAWH is finished (although it's getting there), or even a must-needed apology for non-blogging for a MONTH (see above deadline mention), or even the fact that I have stuck to my diet and am halfway back to my proper weight (okay, a more reasonable size after the horror of the Express thing) - but a better-late-than-never sighting of me in the M-O-T-B frock!!!
I know it's been nearly a year since Elle and The Doctor's wedding (and where did that year go???), but these pics have just come to light and at least they prove I was there, and did wear a scarlet silk frock and a black beaded jacket - even if you can't see much of it - or me - which, on reflection, can only be A Good Thing.

These are pre-ceremony (obviously) and show me lacing Elle into her dress while muttering through gritted teeth "you wanted a size 12 frock that cost more than my first house and you will damn well fit into it even if it kills me and you in the process". You can see Elle holding herself in bravely as I cut off her circulation much to the amusement of bridesmaid Kat - but clearly not that of the hairdresser...
So, yes, still deep in deadline hell - two weeks to go - and then I'll be back with all sorts of general rubbish again.
Must take time to say a big thank you here to my friend Spikey (the pilot who taught me all I needed to know while writing Walking on Air) who phoned me to tell me that while he was passing through Manchester Airport (doesn't that sound glamorous?) he spotted loads of Moonshines on the bookshop shelves! Thanks, Spikey! You've made my day! See you in the summer...
In the month of non-blogging and deadline hell I've also done my local book launch (coldest day of the year, not a Terry Wogan turn-out sadly but still sold about 30 books, took HOURS to thaw out), and appeared on BBC Radio Berkshire - I had a lovely hour long programme with the fabulous effervescent Rory who asked all the right questions and laughed in all the right places and played my emotionally-charged "Desert Island Discs" selection and made me cry on air - great... Have also been booked for three more library talks, one after-dinner speaking engagement, one writing workshop, and had fan mail from Germany... All this has helped no end to make me realise that maybe I am A Real Writer. I am, I am - I think...
Now back to TWTAWH... B-I-G sigh...
Oh Chris, you've been a Real Writer and an inspiration to me for years! It sounds as if you've been flat out working, well done. The photos are great - what glam ladies!
Chris - THANK YOU - though how the hell someone as flaky as me can be an inspiration to ANYONE is a complete mystery... but thank you again because it really, really helps - especially at the moment when I'm filled with more self-doubt than a self-doubt bucket. C x
Well if you're not a real writer then sure none of the rest of us are, either! Hope you meet the deadline, am sure you will, and hope life then calms down a bit after!
Love the photos - how can it be nearly a year ago? Sounds like you've been busy.
Yay - love the dress - red really suits you. You are definately a Real Writer, your books always make me feel wonderful and happy even when I am having a reall crap day. You've also inspired me to make a start on blogging, will see how that one goes LOL
Chin up and remember,red wine is good as a reward! Big hugs and you know where I am if you need a good moan xx
That is one astonishing dress (Elle's, not yours, though you look pretty fab too!).
As for you, you daft bat, you've been a proper writer for years!
womag - thank you so much - but Other Writers seem to do things differently, live their lives differently, be so much more damn confident... Maybe one day???
Colette - thanks so much - and I have done a lot of things but I've faffed about a lot too... I HAVE to be more organised and less easily distracted!!!!
alzamina - many thanks on all counts! Yay! You're going to blog! It'll be brill and yet another displacement activity! Hoorah!!!
Jan - thanks so much re The Dress (Ian Stuart exclusive design - Elle "had to have one" after they'd featured on the wedding show episode of The Apprentice - when we went for the try-on and I tentatively asked the price the wedding shop lady said "if you have to ask you can't afford it"...) and for calling me a daft bat! Made me chuckle. Ta. Still don't feel like a Real Writer though...
Not only are you a Real Writer, you're a brilliant writer.
Love the photos. You all look like you're having such fun.
Thinking of you whilst you're deep in deadline hell. Hang in there, can't wait to see TWTAWH out in the shops next.
Debs - AWWWW - you're SO kind - thank you. I'm pleased you think so - even if I don't, won't and never will! And I'm at that stage (oh-so-familiar)with TWTAWH where I think it'll NEVER be a proper book... Oh, dear - I'm a wet!
Yes Christina you are definitely a real writer!! A writer is someone who writes - and you're a published writer - which is one up from that! Looking forward to the next book.
Love the photos
Jilly - THANK YOU on all counts - and yep, okay point taken... maybe I *am* one - but all I need now is to *feel* like one...
You are a real writer and I've just read Moonshine to prove it. Swoon...Dylan Maguire.... thanks for a fabulous read again Chris. And for the gorgeous pics.
Phillipa - Thank you - and so are you - but do you believe it??? I rest my case... Delighted that Dylan made you happy... THANK YOU! Cx
Chris. In answer to the question I think you asked ...not that much, these days. If it wasn't for the americans, not at all. But after so many fantastic books, you have no excuse whatsoever...
Phillipa - case still rested. You've achieved so much. And ditto for me with Germany. One day....? Maybe...
You are on Mumsnet! OMG!!
Joined today and wondered round and found you under books! Cool!
alzamina - OMG indeed!!!! Didn't know!!! Just going to look... Been out of circulation doing TWTAWH - in case you haven't missed me!!! Thank you for telling me!!!!
Amanda - oooh thank you! Elle always wanted to be a princess... And I'm SO pleased that you like the books and are spreading the word - and yes (sigh) Charlie Somerset will always hold a special place in my heart too... Cx
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