Wednesday 7 April 2010


It's finished!!!! I've done it!!!! And "almost" on time too... So, I'm back in the land of the bloggers, and will now start to answer emails and - er - try to reclaim my life... Finishing TWTAWH kind of took over everything for the last month - and came out at a stonking 470 pages so will clearly need a severe editing - but it's DONE!!!!

Oh, and I absolutely love, love, love the cover...

Loads of stuff to say - but first must go and try to dig my way through the housework/washing (amazing how it all seems to accumulate...) that's piled up during my love-affair with TWTAWH and The Toyboy Trucker's continued absence. Funny how one woman and several cats can make so much mess....

Just really, really happy to be a TWTAWH free zone at the mo - now just the edits/rewrites to look forward to...

Oh, and a quick PS - having just proudly announced that TWTAWH is already on Amazon can I now also proudly announce that the blurb accompanying it bears no resemblance at all to my story... which is a relief as I've only just finished it and that would have been really spooky if they knew more than I did. And the heroine isn't called Sally and the cookery prog isn't called Midnight Feast (not any more) and - ah well, you get the drift...


alzamina said...

Yay, woohoo, yippee and other cheering noises!!! I bet you are in a severe need of a break now! Was thinking of you over Easter, you must be so pleased it is all done (well,the inital one anyway!)

Love the cover and the title is slooooooowly growing on me :-)

Will we get any lines as teasers?

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...


I love that cover, it's so pretty.

Jilly said...

That is a brilliant cover, Christina. Congratulations on finishing it. I an now off to Amazon to see if it's listed yet!

Christina Jones said...

alzamina - thank you! Am slightly shell-shocked... Glad you agree re cover - title? Mmmm - think it looks better on the cover than I thought it would... And yes, as soon as I can face it, I'll chuck in a few snippets...

Christina Jones said...

Debs - thank you! I really hoped you'd like the cover... C X

Christina Jones said...

Jilly - thanks so much. I am really chuffed with the cover having been so un-chuffed with the title change... I've already looked on Amazon - sad person that I am! - and yep, there it is! Very odd, seeing as how it's only just left here so to speak...

Chris Stovell said...

Well done. Chris - goodness, you don't hang about, do you? What a hard worker! I wish you all the very best with TWTAH and look forwards to reading it.

(I'm beginning to get a taste myself of that, 'Did This Mess Used To Be My House?' feeling.. not, I'm suggesting that yours is a mess - but mine is!)

alzamina said...

LOL to the PS - nice to see Amazon's Crystal ball is a bit cloudy. Prehaps they need some of Mitzi's cooking to sharpen them up!!

Mind you, I think I could, new inspection year has now started!!! Here we go again!

Christina Jones said...

Chris - thank you, but I always think I should do more/work harder... And my house IS a mess! Oh, believe me... I MUST do something to it today...

Christina Jones said...

alzamina - good luck with the new year whirl! And thanks for catching up with the PS...

Groovy Yank said...

Love the title and the cover. Doesn't it feel great to be finished? Congrats!

ptasia said...

Wow! Well done you! But I must admit that so far Moonshine's cover hasn't been beaten.

Jan Jones said...

Well done, Chris! Never doubted you for a SECOND.

Christina Jones said...

Groovy - thank you so much and I was getting all smug about finishing it - BUT now just going to blog about having to do the edits and rewrites ALREADY - sigh...

Christina Jones said...

ptasia - thank you! I love the Moonshine cover too - but I s'pose as TWTAWH is set during the hottest (fictional!) summer on record the fiery red sort of suits it...

Christina Jones said...

Jan- thanks so much! Also thanks for EVERYTHING at the "do" - I had a great time and it wouldn't have been the same without you - so glad you didn't doubt me 'cause I sure as hell doubted myself over the last few months... sigh...

Sheila Norton said...

Yay! Well done - knew you would do it! And I agree about the cover - it's lovely. Isn't it nice when you're pleased with it! xx

Christina Jones said...

olivia - thank you! Love the cover but still think of it as Midnight Feast - probably always will....