Today - Friday 13th - is The Toyboy Trucker's birthday. He was born on Friday 13th too - so draw your own conclusions... He's been away this week but will be home this afternoon and Elle and I have got cards and pressies and a chocolate and toffee birthday cake waiting, and I've booked a romantic table-for-two at a local hostelry (NOT one that I work in) for this evening.
This will be a very brief post because I'm over my ears in Moonshine - but I wanted to mark the occasion and wish The Toyboy Trucker happy birthday in public so that he knows I love him. I think he doubts it sometimes - especially times like these when I'm stuck at the computer and only grunt. He's a star and I could never do any of this without his support.
Writing news - good, again (blimey, I could get used to this...) - I've made a further sale in Germany!!!! This is just amazing - and shows what a bizarre career this writing lark is. Surprisingly, and completely out of the blue, I've now sold second rights to the German edition of Love Potions to an online bookstore (German - natch) - for another stunning sum. Between ourselves - and as an antidote to the earlier grizzling posts - this week I've actually earned more than TWICE what I earned in the whole of last year. How bizarre (and fantastically lovely) is that??? Friday 13th? Bring it on!!!
Weight Watchers news - this week I've lost 5lbs! I think this is because I've been flat-out with Moonshine and forgotten to eat. Don't care how it happened - am just thrilled that it has and that it means I'm 5lbs closer to squeezing into the m-o-t-b frock.
Wedding news - replies to the invites have flooded back, proving that most people we know are only too happy to leave their offspring for a childfree day (and night) of Bacchanalian revelry. The boys' suits are ready. The bridesmaids' frocks ditto. Elle has her final fitting on March 27th. And there are only EIGHT weeks to go!!!
Now back to Moonshine with renewed enthusiasm. Well - almost...
Ooh I'm glad to be the first one to add to your Happy Birthday wishes to the Toyboy Trucker.
I'm sure he knows you love him, you're such a fab couple.
Many congrats on the further sale and the brilliant weight loss news. You're going to be a very beautiful m-o-t-b. x
Thanks a million Debs - you say all the right things!!! I'll pass your birthday greetings on to TTT when he gets home - or I might even show him the blog...
Wohoooo! Good news all round, I love it! Have a wonderful evening - don't go putting all 5lbs back on in one go, you hear?!
I'm delighted to hear your books are finally bringing you the rewards you deserve. They are all fantastic. Just like you :O)
mummy - thank you so much for all those lovely comments. I'm not intending to pig out tonight, I'll be going for the fat-free, cream-free options...
Great news all round (no pun intended!) Have a lovely evening :o)
I'm so pleased that things are working out for you. I don't know about a m-o-t-b outfit, at this rate you'll have to get yourself a 'can't be too rich or too thin' T shirt! It's just lovely to hear some good news.
Many happy returns to the birthday boy.
Karen - many, many thanks - and I (we?) will!!!!
ChrisH - rich and thin? Me? Never -but richer than flat broke and slighly less chunky than last week? Yep, I could live with that! Thank you!
Happy Birthday, TTT !
Enjoy the romantic dinner and VERY many congrats on the German sale. (But PLEASE tuck a third of it away in a very safe deposit account so that when you have to pay tax you don't suddenly find you've spent it. Please? For me?)
Many Happy Returns to the Toyboy Trucker! I celebrate my birthday on Friday 13th next month, every 6 years I think, something like that!
You've had some great news of late, very well deserved, now to conquer other European countries with villages like ours, they'd relate to them very well, I'm sure!
well done on the weight loss, I've given up my diet, using the 5-month-old-baby as my excuse for being wobblier than I really should be!
Have a lovely time tonight, crack open the champagne and do some celebrating!
S x
Happy Birthday Toyboy Trucker ( and having had the privilege to meet him, what a lovely bloke.) and I'll quote my OH, in respinse to your other news er...blinkin' 'ell! Youn rock Chris.
p x
xxoo!! {{Chris}} I'm so happy for you! It seems that your new agent is worth her weight in gold.
And the Weight Watcher's news is great too.
Please tell the Toyboy Trucker that your blog friend, katiebird, wishes him a happy, happy birthday.
AND -- I'm so glad you're having a good streak with Moonshine.
I LOVE good news.
Jan - oh, okay just for you. WHEN I get paid (probably won't be for months - sigh) I PROMISE I'll salt some of it away for the tax man. No, I will - honestly! Have passed your greeting on to TTT and we've just come back from a gorgeous meal and yes, we had champagne (by the glass - I haven't been paid yet) and it was just lovely to be happy.
Sam - thanks so much - and babies are a GREAT excuse for not zinging back into shape. Happy birthday in advance for next Fri 13th. We've had a lovely celebratory evening - hope yours is as lovely.
Phillipa - thanks a lot for the TTT's birthday wishes and thanks too to your OH - and so very much appreciated because it's all down to you... Still can't believe it!!!
katiebird - bless you. Thanks so much - will certainly pass on your greetings to TTT - he'll love it!!!
I was, of course, thinking of TTT yesterday and send oodles of love. I hope you had a fab evening as well as a good tuck in to the toffee cake - yummy!!!!
Many congratulations on the continuing sales to Germany and, hopefully soon, to all points north, south, east and west. Just shows what could have been done had you-know-who got their fingers out on your behalf as they should have done. Three cheers and big hugs for Broo for giving you the support and effort you deserve.
Good luck with Moonshine - I know you'll do it.
Much love,
Mags xxxx
mags - bless you and many thanks - I know you're going through umpteen deadline torments... Also a huge THANK YOU for TTT's card. He was so pleased and got really excited and said "oh! great! it's a MkI Spitfire!!!" and everything else was momentarily forgotten - sadly he's SUCH an anorak....
Happy Birthday day late to the TBT, and well done on the German sale!
womag - many, many thanks on both counts.
It's all good. Big congratulations on the 5lb loss. Could do with a bit of that myself.
Happy birthday to Toyboy Trucker - I'm sue you've had a wonderful weekend.
And well done on the sale.
BTW - any news on your new neighbours?
Gonna be a writer - thanks for all of it. We had a really great night out on Fri and I was really good and didn't eat TOO many fat things - we made it our Valentine's Day celly too as we don't celebrate Valentine's Day any more because his sis died on it 5 years ago - the day before her 40th - so it's too sad for us still. No, no new neighbours yet - house still being done up - but watch this space!
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