No, well, I'd intended to post this on New Year's Day (so that the date could be 1/1/11) and wish everyone in Blogland a Happy New Year and be full of festive cheer...
But, being me, things didn't go quite to plan, hence my new year greeting being almost a week late... New Year saw me and The Toyboy Trucker snuffling our way between various surgeries and pharmacies - him to get antibiotics for the chest infection left by The Christmas Cold; me to get antibiotics for the sinus infection left by The Christmas Cold; both of us to the vet's with Alexia who had chronic enteritis over Christmas and needed a daily antibiotic injection...
Oh, what a jolly little trio we were!
And, add to that, the fact that 1) I managed to break two teeth on a cashew nut and 2) I dislocated my knee by balancing on a stool on top of a cushion on top of the sofa (no, not a new party trick) to try to remove a loose garland dangling irritatingly from a corner of the ceiling and then tumbling off in a fat and flustered heap...
So, now we're coughing and sniffing and limping and lisping-and-dribbling and feeling damn miserable. Alexia, on the other hand, is fully recovered and can't understand what all the fuss was about.
Now I have a little over three weeks to finish Never Can Say Goodbye, so am disappearing into the deep, dark, hellish deadline cave for a while - but belatedly - Happy New Year!
Happy New Year Chris from the sickin the North to the sick in the South!!!
alzamina - new year greetings - and good health eventually! - in reverse... Cxxx
Happy New Year and I hope your knee feels better soon!
hey christina i love your books, i first read hubble bubble and you really inspired me to write myself. please check my blog out too: ladydonoghuediaries.blogspot.com.
It's the thought that counts, right? Happy New Year to you too.
And hope you get rid rapidly of all the uninvited visitors (germs) in your house!!!
Julie - thank you! Happy New Year to you, too - and I'm due to have the knee (big, fat, balloon!!!!) checked again on Thurs. Am hoping to be able to get rid of the Old Lady Elastic Support Thing then. It's not a good look... Cx
ladydonoghue - wow! I don't think I've ever been an inspiration before - I'm chuffed to bits. Thank you so much. Good luck with your writing and am off to check out your blog now. Cx
Brigitte - thank you and happy new year to you too. I'm now looking forward to a healthy one after this rubbish start... Cx
Happy New Year to you too, and hope you all recover quickly from your ailments. Good luck with the deadline - you know you love them!
Never been an inspiration? Rubbish! You were to me.
Happy New Year and hope you, TBT and Alexia are recovering well. I, too, have Deadline Hell. Two weeks left to finish book only two thirds written. Oh, well. xxx
womag - thank you and I really, really hope 2011 is lovely for you. Deadline???? Aaargh! 13 days to go - about 130 might do it!!!! Cxxxx
lesley - aw - thank you. But you and Libby have inspired me too. Hah - deadlines - me too - too much book left to fit into the days... hey-ho... Cxxxxx
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