I'm briefly breaking cover from my extended (thank you!) deadline to share a little bit of cyber champagne and a HUGE whoopee of joy - because today THE WAY TO A WOMAN'S HEART is published in paperback which means it's available in the shops!!!!
There were times (as always) when I thought TWTAWH would never be a real book - but it is - and I've just seen it, several of it actually - face out!!!! - in our local W H Smith. I do love the cover - perfect for Valentine's Day. Of course I was still too timid to tell them I wrote it, but I did lurk around the shelves and smile a lot...
So - another publication day has arrived. It's been very low-key, but it's the 19th since 1997. Crikey - did I really do all that WORK?????
Still, no time to celebrate at the moment - NEVER CAN SAY GOODBYE has to be delivered in two weeks. So - as I slink off back to Francesca's Fabulous Frocks - and Frankie and Dexter and Brian from the kebab van and Maisie the useless medium - here's to publication day number 20...
Congratulations!! 19, blimey. I'm in awe and can't wait to read it :o)
It's wonderful that seeing a new book of yours in shops is still exciting even though you've seen it many times before. I don't think I'd tire of the thrill, either. Congratulations!
19!!!! Am off to count my books!! LOL. Congrats on the publishing .....
Wahey and well done and lots of whooping and cheering!
Must be lovely to see it in the shops - I shall look out for it myself tomorrow! And you're nearly there with #20, that is truly amazing, well done again and keep going!
Many congratulations on your 19th Publication Day! I've already read TWTAWH and LOVED it. x
Hurrah! Very pleased to receive my preordered copy too. Currently making my way through your entire back-catalogue, thank you loads for doing all that work.
Karen - thank you so much. When can I read yours??? Cx
Groovy - thank you! I do tend to get very overexcited about it - maybe one day I'll be all blase - but somehow I doubt it. Cx
alzamina - thank you! I can't believe it's 19 either. CX
womag - thank you. Am still basking in the fact that a) I actually finished it and b) it's finally out there. TWTAWH seemed like a very protracted labour (of love???) Cx
Debs - thank you! For EVERYTHING! Cx
Milla - thank you so much - for buying it and reading the backlist. Wow! You're a total star. Cx
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