I'm doing a bit of a belt and braces job here and posting my MOONSHINE countdown all over the place... Nope, you're right, I have no shame! Sooo - with three days to go until it escapes, I'm slapping pics of "things you'll find in the book" all over t'internet. Today it's wine because there's an awful lot of magical wine in MOONSHINE. I like this picture. I like it a lot... In fact it's probably far too early in the day to like it as much as I do, to be honest... I'll have to stop staring at it...
Wine is off my list of Things I Can Have. Actually most stuff is off my list of Things I Can Have. I've just weighed myself. Oh, lordy.... How did that happen???? Okay, so the festivities were a bit sloth-like and involved a lot of sofa-slumping and eating/drinking anything and everything that came to hand/mouth, and the cold weather meant I HAD to eat more (yes it did - it's the law) - but - blimey!!! Weight Watchers here I come - again...
We've thawed! The Toyboy Trucker is cruising (in the nicest possible sense) in the Home Counties, the cats are stalking Fieldfares in the garden (Fieldfares are very pretty and apparently, according to the RSPB, Specially Protected - I also think they must be Specially Stupid to fly all the way from Scandinavia and set up home in a garden with NINE cats...), Elle and The Doctor are planning their next holiday, and I'm STILL writing The Way To A Woman's Heart - hey! I said it without thinking Midnight Feast - I'm getting there!!!!
Now off to hang casually round our local WH Smith and see if I can get an early sighting of MOONSHINE...
Oooooh can't wait!!!! Does it matter where I buy it from chris? Do you get the same percentage from wherever??? xxxx
Jayne - thank you so much for planning to buy it! No, it doesn't matter where it comes from, I still get 59p-ish a copy AFTER the sale of enough copies to earn back the publishers advance - and after Happy Birthday's rare appearances, spotting/buying it anywhere will be a plus...
Three days! Ooh. Off to order it now from Amazon.
I'll be out spotting it for you, worry not!!! Do we know what colour it will be yet?? lol
It's all very exciting, Christina - no wonder you can't wait! The bookshop owners will think you're stalking them!
I hope the launce and sales go well - I'll look out for it.
Red wine can't be bad for you! Never! Well, ok, I know it is for some people (pregnant women, people with wine allergies - my friend, poor girl - etc.), but surely it actually aids digestion, doesn't it? Of course, I just love the stuff - dry red, of course.
Keeping fingers crossed for Moonshine - am actually reading Tickled Pink!
I love the cover of Moonshine so much. x
womag - thank you! Amazon is "out of stock" - see today's post - sigh...
Jayne - happy spotting! Think WHS the best bet - but I've been wrong before...
Julie - thanks so much! I think all the bookshops round here think I'm a potential shoplifter...
ptasia - thank you so much - and red wine has (much to my disgust) CALORIES! This is where I've gone wrong I think, assuming that drinking is calorie-free... REALLY hope you're liking Tickled Pink
Debs - thank you! I think it's really pretty too - and I can say that because it's absolutely nothing to do with me.
Yes, I'm enjoying Tickled Pink! Among other stuff I like the, shall we say, romantic suspence (am halfway through).
ptasia - thank you! Hope you like the rest of it - I enjoyed writing it - a lot!!!
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