Well, I've already made a huge mistake in this MOONSHINE promo plan. Already! Dear heavens, there's no hope is there? Look, I've got a three-day countdown - the clue being in the title. CountDOWN - and I started yesterday on Day ONE which would be a CountUP, wouldn't it? Oh dearie, dearie me... I've now correctly re-numbered yesterday's post 3, and today's - because it's a countDOWN - is 2, which means tomorrow's will be 1... I know it's no excuse, but I failed my maths O level 3 times.
Anyway, MOONSHINE Day 2 promo pic is a waterfall. I love waterfalls. This picture is EXACTLY as I'd imagined the waterfall in MOONSHINE, which is called Lovers Cascade. It plays a very important part in the plot. I also made it the grazing place of unicorns and orcs - but sadly that got edited out.
No early sightings of MOONSHINE in WH Smith yesterday. Lots and lots of celeb novels out there in the Big Splash Slots, and some pretty heavy literary titles in the charts, but no MOONSHINE. Yet. Sigh... The lad-in-charge-of-books gave me some very funny looks as I lurked, clearly thinking I was about to tuck several copies of the Twilights saga under my cagoule and do a runner.
So, ever hopeful, I dared to look at Amazon (akin to sticking pins in your eyes for an author) and aaarghh - it's "out of stock"!!!! Just when I've started telling people it's available out there - it isn't. The Toyboy Trucker helpfully said it was because they'd sold out on pre-orders. Hmmm.... The more cynical side of me thinks this is very kind of him but unlikely...
Off to WHS - again - just in case...
Love the waterfall, Chris. And sympathies - I never did pass O-level maths. I was put in a special remedial class for those who weren't good enough to even be entered for it (but I got A-level English so yah-boo-sucks!)
Very exciting time for you ... will be looking out for the book here in Chelmsford! xxx
I'm sure he's probably right.
Love the picture of that waterfall too.
Counting up or down, it doesn't matter to us readers so long as it's out there!
Olivia - thank you so much - and me too! I was sent down to the remedial maths class but I confused them so much that they asked me to leave and I did cookery instead... But I got A level English too (and two others) even though my headmistress told my mum it was a waste of time me taking them as I had the brain of a giddy gnat...
ChrisH - thank you! I just hope it is - out there - somewhere...
Debs - you're very kind - I'm still sort of optimistic. I LOVE the waterfall too...
Waterstones shows it's available for pre-order and in stock in 2 stores.
BTW, typed it in Ebay UK: no results, but the website showed some 'helpful ads', all about home winemaking :)
ptasia - thank you for the "Moonshine spotting" - above and beyond the call of duty! Waterstones, eh? They're good - hopefully it'll be in more than 2 stores though... but much better than nothing! Love the wine thing on eBay!!!
Google gives 7,540 for Christina Jones Moonshine!! Amazon and Play are listing it for sale. Our local WHS is a bit behind the times, they have just put up Happy Birthday as your latest!! Took great delight in showing the bored, gum chewing blonde (with bright pink highlights) that your latest was in fact Moonshine.
Love the waterfall, can I book a ticket to sit next to it?
I'm heading shopwards tomorrow so I'll go on a bit of a recce and report back :) xx
alzamina - thank you! That's cheering news - not so much about Happy Birthday in WHS (she must be related to the lad in ours - minus the pink highlights) though, although I'd be happy to sell ANY of them!!! If I ever found this waterfall in real you would be so welcome to come and sit besdie it with me!!!
Jayne - thanks so much - not holding breath (I just mistyped that as breast...) - but any news welcome in the Moonshine hunt...
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