Today's MOONSHINE promo picture is "falling in love"... I Love it and think it's Lovely... Not much else to say about it really, except there's an awful lot of "falling in love" in MOONSHINE because it is a romantic comedy after all... Cleo falls in love with Dylan, Dylan falls in love with every female with a pulse, Elvi falls in love with Zeb, Zeb falls in love with Elvi - but there are major family objections, Mimi has fallen in love with Ron in their distant past but Ron is now in love with Amy and Mimi is now in love with Mortimer who is in love with.... Well, you get the picture (hah! a neat circle back to the beginning of the paragraph. My editor would be SO proud!)...
Amazon have changed their "out of stock" to "delivery in 5 - 9 days" which has cheered me up immensely. It doesn't take a lot to cheer me up...
No MOONSHINE sightings anywhere else yesterday but I'm nothing if not dogged in my mission and will set off again today - snow permitting.... Yep, SNOW. Last night, the man on the weather forecast said it "might fall but wouldn't stick" - er, sorry love - it's stuck... Two inches of it in the last hour and it's still tumbling down.
Anyway, until I pull on the snow boots and get out the huskies (joke - I think it's Katie Fforde who does husky-racing - it wouldn't go down well here on the estate) I'm off to write some more of TWTAWH which takes place in a very hot summer and I'm finding it very difficult to remember what hot summers feel/look like...
There's also a used copy for sale at £1,174.
I do wish people would stop doing snow dances - after four weeks of being snowed and iced in, I think we've had more than our share.
Here's to loads of Moonshine sales, Chris
Pat - thanks so much for making me laugh - I can't wait to get the royalties on that one!!! I PROMISE I didn't snow-dance today - I'm fed up with being snowed/iced in too... C xxx
Spotted two copies in my local Waterstones today. Lovely cover!
Also I had to smile as one of daughters is called Cleo and I'm called - well Lane obviously, so we've had the Cleo Laine joke too:-)
Hope you sell bucket loads:-)
Lane - oooh - thanks a million for the sighting!!! Waterstones - cool (as Elle would say)... And eeek - sorry if you were offended by the Cleo Laine thing - quite, quite unintentional (vbg) - and Cleo is a GORGEOUS name...
A lovely display of Moonshine in Jersey's WHSmith today too.
No, no no! Not offended - not in the teeny tiny slightest bit!
I'm looking forward to reading it after that first page taster:-)
Lane - phew! Thank you. Sooo relieved - and oh lordy, I hope you like it...
Debs - WOW! Thanks so much for this news! A DISPLAY!!!! In WHS!!!! I'm a happy bunny!!!
Ooh, my hero in novel 2 is called Dylan! I've seen Moonshine in the window of our local Waterstone's so here's to masses of sales :o)
We had a sprinkling of snow today, but it didn't last long thank goodness!
Karen - oooh, you've got a Dylan too! Great minds and all that??? Loads of luck with yours - oh, I've got a cute cat called Dylan too - love the name. Waterstones window??? Blimey! That's wonderful!!! Thanks so much - now getting a bit over-excited...
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