My husband, The Toyboy Trucker, said he thought I should start my blog on a momentous day - presumably so I'd have something scintillatingly interesting to blog about... but nothing much momentous has happened for ages so I'm just going to plunge in and see how it goes...
Hopefully, this Bucolic Frolics blog will be a mixture of news about my life (Real) and updates on what's happening with my writing - details of new books, publishing dates, signing sessions - stuff like that. As I'm slightly chaotic in my approach to everything, I somehow doubt that I'll manage to blog every day but I'm intending to give it my best shot. So here we go...
Today, in my writing life, I'm supposed to be finishing a short story for Woman's Weekly and starting my next novel - MOONSHINE - which has to be delivered by October/November.
In my Real Life I've done neither of the above and have just been out to buy my Mother of the Bride outfit - and I'm that excited about it! My daughter, Elle, is getting married next Easter. Her boyfriend, The Doctor (no, sadly, not that one), proposed while they were flying down the Grand Canyon in a tiny plane. How romantic is that??? Even as a very starry-eyed romantic novelist, I couldn't make that up!
Anyway, I know it's months until Easter but I saw this fantastic dress in the sale and it was just right for me being M of the B (I'm just not the sort of person who can comfortably wear a nice pastel two-piece and big hat - I'd look just like my mum) - and it was reduced by two-thirds - and, most fantastic of all, it has NET petticoats! Loads and loads of them! So now it's hanging in my wardrobe in all its flouncy scarlet silk glory and I keep stroking it. Can't wait to get a black and red fascinator now - net petticoats AND feathers in my hair - I'll look like a geriatric showgirl - brilliant! And maybe red sandals? With killer heels??? Elle is quite a conventional girl (gets it from her father) so I do hope she'll approve...
Right, that's my first post done and I'm quite proud of it. Now I'll go back to the short story and the novel and hopefully a) my scarlet-frock-enthusiasm will spill over into my fiction and b) I'll find something else really interesting to blog about soon.
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