Sorry for the blog silence recently - my computer is having an off spell - a very off spell - anyway, while it's allowing me thirty seconds online, I'd like to announce that Ellen and Lori have been picked as the winners of last week's double-book-giveaway. Congrats to you both - you'll both be receiving signed copies of Margaret's Dr Devereux's Proposal and my Happy Birthday. If you could let me have your snail mail addresses via the email link on my website http://www.christinajones.co.uk/ then I'll get the copies of Happy Birthday in the post straight away. Many thanks for taking part - and I really hope you'll enjoy reading both books.
Thank you Christina and Margaret, it's always great to have 2 new books to look forward to!
(Skipped around the room so much that I don't even feel guilty about still not having returned to WW and devouring rather a lot of chocolate at the weekend!)
Lori x
Oh NO! I totally forgot about the comp! I'm so useless sometimes... Congrats to the winners :0)
lori - I'm so pleased you're pleased. Happy Birthday is on its way.
mummy - shame you missed it - no doubt you were really, really busy sticking to the WW diet - unlike me and Lori...
If only that was true! The weekly blog is getting a bit embarrasing now. It will be worse when it actaully appears on the site!
mummy - still waiting for the blog which I'm sure will be just the spur I need as I've - gulp - somehow gained four pounds this week...
Lori, please can you send me your postal address so I can get your copy of Dr Devereux's Proposal off to you? My email is margaret dot mcdonagh at yahoo dot co dot uk
Thank you.
Sorry you missed out this time, Mummy, but maybe, if Christina can bear it and put up with me again, we can do another one at some point in the future.
Thanks, Christina. Big [[[hugs]]] on the four pounds. I know you don't believe me but you're lovely as you are.
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
Gained four??!!! I hope they tasted good! lol I made the mistake of looking at my progress chart on WW online yesterday. In fact I can draw it for you here:
Yup, it's pretty much a straight line. How depressing. I think I've lost a grand total of about 3lbs in 9 weeks. Not inspirational really is it??!! Ah well, best think positive I suppose, I've another 2 days til this week's appointment with the scales...
mags - I've got lori's address - I'll let you have it while the pc is working! It's not that I mind gaining 4lbs - I'm happy being curvy - but the m-o-t-b frock minds a lot... Would love to do another giveaway - I enjoyed it (once I knew what I was doing - sorry - I am such a dungbrain!)
mummy - at least you've lost 3lbs - and who knows how much you'll lose in the next two days! I'm not sure where the 4lbs came from - haven't touched cheese (much)...
Thanks for the addie, it arrived safe and sound during the window of opportunity allowed by the ruddy pc.
Lori and Ellen, if you look in, your books will be in the post on Thursday - the next time the local post office is open! I hope you both enjoy your books.
Christina, you are not remotely a dungbrain. I am a techie dingbat and am far, far denser than you!
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
PS - the word veification thingy is throwing up some corkers!
Thanks Christina. 4 lbs huh, at least you are brave enough to go and get weighed. I dread to think what my gain is and I've got my mum's 60th party next week. And my sister is sooo good and disciplined and, well thin! If I stick to 14 points for a week and a half it should make a difference right? (As if I'm going to...)
Sorry waffeling now!
Lori x
mags - glad the address arrived. Sod the computer - if it carries on behaving like a prima donna I'm going to go down the Jill Mansell pen and paper route before long! (Have actually asked for a Harley Davidson fountain pen for Chrstmas to see if some of the magic wars off!!)
lori - I starve on 18 points - you can not survive on 14.5! I'm WW weighing in again today so will probably post a sad and sorry blog about it later... I've got a party at the weekend too so may have to join you on lettuce and water...
mags - ps - that was meant to be WEARS off in the last post - not WARS - duh!
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