I've got loads to blog about (Halloween, the Radio Oxford broadcast, organising the Happy Birthday launch party in Abingdon next Saturday, finally decorating the hall/stairs/landing, eating 6 chocolate meringues in Asda car-park, having a cold) but it'll have to wait because today I'm giving away books!!! New books! As-yet-unpublished books!
I'm really excited to have been included in a joint romantic novel giveaway with Harlequin Mills & Boon. Not only will the winner receive a signed copy of my latest bucolic frolic, Happy Birthday (okay, so it's out this week but it's not out yet), they will also get a signed copy of the sizzlingly sensational Dr Devereux's Proposal by Margaret McDonagh.
Margaret, as regular blog-readers will know, is one of my closest friends (and given to encouraging me to eat my body-weight in ice-cream, and to spilling the beans on most of my misdemeanors - as only truly good friends can), and she's been kind and generous enough to include me in her own HM&B giveaway.
Margaret is a terrifically talented and prolific author who writes warm, sexy, believable romantic novels about the most gorgeous medical men you'll ever meet, and the lovely, flawed and compassionate women who are lucky enough to get to fall in love with them, all set in glorious surroundings (Dr Devereux's Proposal is set in Cornwall and I was there). Oh, and I fell head-over-heels in love with Dr D on the first page!!!
You have two chances to win copies of these signed books. Simply answer the two questions at the end of this post – the answers can be found on Margaret's and my websites. Visit the NEW BOOK page on my website - http://www.christinajones.co.uk/ – for an extract of Happy Birthday. And at Margaret's website – http://www.margaretmcdonagh.com/ – for an extract for Dr Devereux's Proposal, found by going to the BOOKS page.
Margaret and I will each draw a winner next week and the two lucky people will get signed copies of both books. We'll both post the winner's names here and at Love Is The Best Medicine at http://medicalromance.blogspot.com/ the HM&B Medical Romance site, so do check back to see if it is you!
My question: What is the name of Phoebe's best friend and chief bridesmaid in Happy Birthday?
Margaret's question: What is the name of the greyhound Lauren has rehomed in Dr Devereux's Proposal?
Good luck!!!
Oooh - I'll pop over and have a go in a mo!!
Was thinking about you last night, Chris, as I watched a beautiful firework display at a local bonfire :0) Just magical - and all the more so for your writing. For a moment I was convinced Clemmie and Guy were just around the corner.
mummy - oh, yes please have a go! We watched a firework display through the rain-lashed window last night - goodness knows if anyone was actually *there* as we had monsoon conditions, but I still LOVED it - and yes, being sad and mad, I wondered about Clemmie and Guy too...
I am dying to read the rest of "Happy Birthday" and Margaret's "Dr. Devereux's Proposal" after reading the excerpts.
Now as for the answers to the questions---Clemmie the chief is the bridesmaid and Foxy is the greyhound.
Chris, you are so lovely. Thank you so much for your very generous words. And for joining up for the book giveaway. I hope everyone has some fun this week and that the two lucky winners will enjoy both our books.
I've just been doing some research on Florence - the city, not the old Magic Roundabout character!! - and was wondering how to persuade you to go there and do some first-hand, on-the-spot testing for me of the vast array of gelato, (Italian ice cream), and something I have never heard of before ... zuccotto. A dome of sponge cake filled with a mixture of hazelnuts, almonds, chocolate and cream!!!! For research purposes only, of course!!
Good luck this week, I hope Moonshine is kind to you and you make huge progress.
Will I ever finish this *&%$"^ book?!
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
ellen - I'm so pleased you enjoyed the Happy Birthday extract - thank you so much! And you'll LOVE the rest of Dr Devereux's Proposal I can promise you! Thanks as well for entering the competition - and good luck for next Sunday's draw!!!
mags - well, the comp has been a first for me as you know, but I'm just thrilled to be taking part. Thank you so much for inviting me to "share". I might just have to go to Florence now (my dad always said it was the most beautiful city in the world) to test-drive the ice-cream and the zuccotto - all for research purposes, as you say...
Both books sound great. Since I've discovered blogs, and reading extracts of books on the WWW (or since I came into the 21st century!) my book bill has gone up threefold, and now I have 2 more to add to my TBR pile...(what can I say, life is hard!)
Clemmie (bridesmaid/best friend) and Foxy (greyhound) are the answers. Though Foxy could be a great name for a bridesmaid...
Lori x
thanks lori - yes, me too - keep buying loads of books mentioned on blogs - which means blogs must be a great way for writers to get new readers which has to be a good thing. Thanks for entering the comp - good luck in next Sunday's draw - AND I had a drag queen called Foxy in my last book (Heaven Sent)...
I am really loving Heaven Sent and it has made tonight so enjoyable - well for me anyway. I stood watching the Village Firework Display from our doorstep with poorly 8 year old and tired and grumpy hubby. My daughter was more concened about the kitten being frightened and hubby insisted on reminding me, yet again, about the fantastic firework displays in Spain he would watch with the X-family! I was totally enchanted by them with lots of oohs and aahs escaping from my mouth whilst the script of Heaven Sent was running through my head and the new found knowledge about firework preparation made it all so much more interesting. I did try to explain to hubby about the search for the perfect green and he seemed mildly interested as part of his job involves mixing ink!
Anyway thank you again for your marvellous books and good luck with the new book. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! The answer to the questions are: Clemmie is the best friend/chief bridesmaid (also a name my neighbour called me for years even after she discovered her husband had played a joke on her and deliberately told her the wrong name) and Foxy is the greyhound (what a lovely name and I think once in my younger days I was called a Foxy lady or more likely wishful thinking)!
Vee - thanks for your lovely post - and good luck with the comp! So glad Heaven Sent has given you an insight into fireworks!!! Hope both daughter and kitten are ok.
I know that I'm probably too late to enter the competition (I've been in hospital this week), but I'll have a go anyway!
The answers are:
Clemmie and Foxy.
Hope you are well Christina, sorry I haven't been in contact for a little while.
Eleanor xxx
ellesbelles - sorry you've been in hospital - do hope you're feeling better now. And also really sorry that you missed the deadline for the giveaway. Please email me.
Loooking forward to reading Happy Birthday.
I loved Heaven Sent and am constantly wondering if Guy Devlin is in any way influenced by Guy of Gisborne in Robin Hood ?
Speaking of whom ( or rather Richard Armitage who plays him so magnificently )
I can't help but picture him when I read my 2 favourite heroes of yours Drew Fitzgerald and Jack Morland.
amandajane - thank you so much for enjoying my books *and* my heroes and I really, really hope you'll like Happy Birthday - and no, although lots of people have also suggested it, none of my heroes have been based on Richard Armitage - however, it's very flattering if that's how they come across...
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