Clearly, I'm in danger of turning into an archetypal Bad Blogger - so to rectify things here goes...
Believe it or not, this picture actually isn't me after today's Weight Watcher's weigh-in - although it's close, of course... In fact if you saw a photo of me next to it you'd probably not be able to tell us apart...
And, because I promised to be honest about my WW weigh-ins, I lost 3lbs this week!!! Now I only have 7lbs to go before I leave Obese and become Overweight. I was so thrilled that I'd lost weight, I tried on the Mother-of-the-Bride frock this afternoon and bits of it do up! Result! Just need to get the rest of it to comply before Easter...
However, the Weight Watchers meeting was slightly odd today because Nikki and Shaz from the terrace turned up. They're both considerably younger (and a lot thinner!) than me so I was a bit surprised, but they said they wanted to lose weight in the run-up to Christmas. As I thought they usually went to Bums and Tums in the community hall where they could wear very tight things in Lycra, I did wonder at first why they'd enrolled at Weight Watchers where the opportunity to display your body is fortunately fairly limited...
Then, while we having the post-weigh-in meeting (learning about the calorific value of various types of delicious cottage cheese while fantasising about doughnuts and Toblerone) it came to me. Of course! Both Shaz and Nikki are banned from Bums and Tums after the unfortunate incident with Jessica, the instructor, and Shaz. Well, it was unfortunate for Jessica that Shaz caught her giving her Dave (Shaz's Dave, that is, not Jessica's - Jessica didn't have a Dave of her own because she'd muscled in on Shaz's if you get my drift) a bit of private tuition behind the community hall's disabled parking bays. And Nikki, being Shaz's friend, weighed in (clever linguistic usage there!) with her fake Radley handbag...
Anyway, Shaz and Nikki enjoyed Weight Watchers, but sadly used an entire day's points when we stopped off at the kebab van on the way home. I was boringly virtuous and just had pitta and salad and a diet Coke.
I have a feeling this saintly frame of mind might not last as no doubt I'll eat my (considerable) body-weight in lovely things while in Manchester - and then next week, Elle and I are going for a tasting session at the wedding cake designers...
So, that's my weighty story - and there's not much else to say about today really. No more exciting influxes of unexpected money, or sales or rejections - but I have written a whole chapter of Moonshine - and NOT eaten anything fattening - yet...
Personally, I don't think that's a real person at all in the photo. I think it's the top half of a small real person joined on to the bottom half of a large real person.
I base this observation on the fact that the small person's t-shirt doesn't reach the large person's jeans. Clever, eh?
Also stops me getting cake-related complexes.
Well spotted Jan! I don't think it's a real person either unless it's Elle's friend C who is sickeningly toned and YOUNG... Cake??? What's cake???
I would like to say that pic looks like me, but we'd both know I was lying.
Just to stop you all bickering, I'll spill the beans.
It's me.
.....in a year or so.
Debs - okay, I'll swear it looks exactly like you if you swear it looks exactly like me...
okay mummy - we'll believe you... And hopefully it'll be ALL of us pretty soon - at least me because I honestly can't take much more vegetable sick soup...
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