Much as I think these boots are the most gorgeous things I've ever seen, there is - for once - a serious reason for me using this particular pic of fabulously coloured boots that probably were never made for walking, and - again for once - a serious reason for this post.
On Sunday 26th October I'm joining the "It's Not Just A Walk In The Park" to raise money for Oxford's brand new custom-built cancer centre. And because I'm useless at asking for money and want to get the begging bit out of the way - I have an online sponsor site, open now until January, under my married name (Jones being my maiden name) as the whole family are taking part. It's at:
- and I'd be so grateful if anyone would/could pop along there and sponsor me. Thank you!
I've never taken part in a charity walk before but I do walk at least 4 miles a day as part of my exercise regime so I should be okay... The cancer centre is absolutely state of the art and the reason we're fund-raising is to provide, furnish and equip a dedicated relatives area. Sadly, having lost so many friends and close family to cancer in very recent years, I know how desperately important it is for relatives and friends to have somewhere to go during procedures, stay near-at-hand overnight, or just to - well, wait.
There are hundreds of people taking part, and I'll be walking with The Toyboy Trucker, Elle and The Doctor as well as all our friends and most of the people from our estate (which should be - um - amusing...). We have a choice of T-shirts (I think Debs had this dilemma recently too) that are either obscenely tight or like marquees... Think, given the current Weight Watchers outing, that mine will have to be one of the latter! Anyway as we have to wear the names of the people we're walking in memory of emblazoned on the front of the T-shirts, mine will need to be large...
So, on Oct 26th I'm going to be walking in sad-but-proud memory of my best friend Pat (bowel cancer), my sis-in-law, Ali (leukaemia), my substitute mum, Win (bone cancer), my lifelong biker friend Paul (oesophagial cancer), and my dad-in-law Don (stomach cancer). They were all a huge part of my life and I loved them all very much and their deaths broke my heart.
I know this blog post is a bit downbeat, but the fund raising really does mean an awful lot to me and even more to those who are currently undergoing treatment as well as their friends and families.
Thanks for reading this...
What an emotional day it will be for you, Christina. I will certainly pop along to your site, albeit after payday :)
I'm so sorry to read the list of people you will be walking in memory of. If you have a spare moment on the day then please also spare a memory for my mum, who I lost a little over two years ago to kidney cancer. I miss her every day although she does her best to let me know that she is still around.
By the way, well done you for walking every day! That's fantastic! How long do you walk for and is it the same route each day? I've been trying to get some exercise into my daily routines but so far I only get as far as the kettle!
Well done all of you for taking part in the walk. These events always make me feel so emotional and give such a feeling of togetherness.
I'll pop over to your site and sponsor right now. x
I was going to sponsor you on the sponsor page - but I'll give you mine - £25-00 on Saturday at Tiger, Tiger - no bank expenses that way.
Sorry to be a pain in the rear end but just to let you know that the link on your posting for the Just Giving page is not working. But, if you type the address as shown into your browser and click, it takes you to the right page.
I hope you get loads of support. I know how dear this cause is to your heart and I wish I could come and walk alongside you. I will be with you in spirit and I wish you all well and will be sending out vibes for good weather, too.
Lots of love,
Mags xx
Oh, Chris. (((hugs))) Good on you, girl.
I'll send you a cheque because the justgiving site has always pretended I don't exist. You'd think it'd know I'm only trying to make the world a better place, wouldn't you?
Thank you so much - all of you - you're absolutely brilliant and real stars. I was so reluctant to post about this because I hate having to mooch around for money and feel so guilty asking, but know that that's what this fund raising is all about. You've all made me cry now... but a huge, huge THANK YOU.
mummy - thanks so much, and yes, of course I'll think of your mum. You poor thing - I know what it's like to lose your mum far, far too early (over 20 years now for me) and send hugs and sympathy. As to the daily walking - I just wear my pedometer and set off anywhere and then when I've done 2 miles I turn round and come back again. It seems quite easy and as I think about writing while I'm walking I can even convince myself that it's work!
debs - bless you. I know this is close to your heart too. Thank you so very much - I really do appreciate your support and kindness. And you're right - it will be a VERY emotional day.
pat - thank you very much. It's amazingly kind of you. Am so looking forward to seeing you on Saturday - if not the event!!!!
mags - thank you so much! Sorry about the link - I've just tried it and it worked okay - but you've been my rock through the reality of all those deaths and I know you know how much this means to me and never be able to thank you enough.
jan - thank you! It's very kind and generous of you - and I guess (sadly) you understand anyway, don't you? I'll cry - I know I'll cry...
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