I know the title could well be about the ups and downs of being a writer - but today it isn't. Today it's really apt because I'm just about to take my annual skive from the desk, and the pub, and the cats, and Elle and The Toyboy Trucker, and I'm going back to my fairground roots (see Stealing the Show...).
Monday and Tuesday sees our town's annual Michaelmas street fair (the longest street fair in Europe apparently) which is loved by the town's youth (and those not-so-young, actually) and loathed by all the newcomers (they all bought posh and eye-wateringly expensive flats in the old brewery/old cinema/old mill house and somehow no-one mentioned the fair and they now have paratroopers and waltzers outside their bedrooms for 48 hours each October and keep having petitions about it...) but as it's a charter fair and been going since the 1400s only the Queen can revoke it - and somehow I can't see that happening anytime soon.
So, because my godparents will be here with their dodgems and gallopers and other more scary hi-tech rides and their candyfloss/toffee apple stall, and because they're quite old now, I go and help out... Well, actually it's nothing to do with them being quite old - it's just because I LOVE it. I shall be doing whatever is needed - but as the weather is very cold, very wet and very windy, I hope they'll be kind and give me a job taking money in a nice snug pay-box...
Oh, and on a writerly note, I see in this week's My Weekly that they're running a three-part serial. I thought they'd stopped having serials??? Anyway, nothing ventured and all that, I've just sent them my three-parter, Back-to-Back, that was so cruelly rejected by Woman's Weekly. I've no idea if they'll like it or even want it, and maybe they'll think it's contrived and old-fashioned too (oooh, please - not that!) - but as I can't think of anywhere else for it and as I always try and send stuff out over and over again, it seemed daft not to give it a whirl.
I'll let you know what (if anything) happens when I'm back from all the fun of the fair...
Have fun, Chris! Stealing the Show is still one of my favourites. I just hope the weather improves for you...
That's sounds fabulous. I love a good fair!
Oh what fun, I'm sure you'll have a great time. Maybe these people who live in the post flats will get used to having such a spectacular street fair outside their doors.
I do hope My Weekly like your three-parter as I'd love to read it.
I know I rather stuffed you out on ice cream in Jersey, but if you have any space left, do have some candy floss and a toffee apple for me.
Have a stupendous time - I hope all the special people you so love to see at this time of year will be there. And I hope the posh gits get stuffed!
Good luck with the three-part serial. I hope MW love it.
Imagine me struggling with the wip while you have your two days off, you skiver!!! Have fun and we'll catch up soon.
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
jan- thanks so much. I once discovered (on your website?) that you'd listed Stealing the Show as one of your favourite books and I was so pleased and always meant to say thank you - so - thank you!!! Weather forecast not great - but I don't care!!!
mummy - oh, so do I! The lights, the noise, the music, the colours, the smells... And all those very fit boys with their snake-hips and leather jackets aren't too bad either...
debs - I really look forward to it every year as it's now the only fair I actually work at. Somehow don't think the posh flat dwellers will EVER accept it - well, it is very intrusive - but it's only for two days and it was here long before they were - so tough, really. Will let you know what happens with the 3-parter!
Eat some candy floss for me, Chris. Have a great time but stay away feom snake hips and leather jackets *grin*.
ok mags - it's now official - you've admitted it - you wreck my diet!!! How can I let you down? All that ice-cream-by-osmosis in Jersey and now you want me to go through the hell of pigging out on toffee apples and candyfloss on your behalf??? Okay - it's a tough call but as it's for you I'll give it my best shot...
Pat - I always hope that my stint on the fair will morph into scenes from That'll Be The Day and the place'll be swarming with youthful David Essex clones... sigh...
I'm guilty as charged. And I really appreciate the sacrifices you make on my behalf! You never let me down and I know you'll give it your best shot, because you are such a brilliant friend.
Happy candy flossing and toffee appling!
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
mags - okay, I'm limbering-up my candy floss and toffee apple muscles as we speak. I won't let you down! Just off - and the sun's shining! Yay!
Hi Christina! I didn't know you had a blog. Now there's another to read instead of writing. Have alovely time at the fair.
phillipa - lovely to see you here - and I read your blog to put off writing too, so this seems a fair exchange... just off for second day at the fair and it's not raining - yet....
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