I really, really thought I'd lost at least 4 lbs this week and was almost at lovely Overweight, and nearly ready to slither into the scarlet silk mother-of-the-bride frock - but no. No! No!! No!!!
I stepped on to the scales full of anticipation. Pah! One measly pound! One! Off - not on - but even so... Okay, I know the post-charity-walk hot choc and crumpets probably didn't help, but I'd walked for miles, and since then I've practically lived on homemade lentil soup... It's sooo disappointing.
Our Weight Watchers leader suggested I should cut down on my portion sizes. I snarled. I've gone down three plate sizes already. I absolutely refuse to eat from a saucer. She then suggested I did more exercise. Hah! I already walk 4 miles a day and do half an hour of dance exercises in the morning and I hula-hoop - a lot. How much more exercise can a girl do when she's got a pub to work in, and cats to look after, and a family to irritate, and a book to write, I ask you. Well, I asked her, actually. She smiled thinly (everything about her is thin) and said she thought cheese might be the problem.
Cheese is not a problem. Cheese is my lifeblood. I'm a vegetarian. Take away the cheese and what's left? She suggested the low-fat variety (I've tried it - it's like plastic and it doesn't melt) or a very thin sliver of eye-wateringly strong cheese just for the flavour. I explained that I LOVE strong cheese, the stronger the better. A thin sliver would merely whet the appetite, tempt the taste buds, drive me insane with desire, encourage me to eat the entire block. She sighed (thinly) and said I'd have to be prepared to make sacrifices...
I've made sacrifices. I've given up Toblerones. I've given up drinking. I've given up damn near everything. I WILL NOT give up cheese.
On the plus side - I have lost 5lbs in 3 weeks, which is nearly half a stone and therefore sounds like a lot. But it doesn't look any different and the m-o-t-b frock still doesn't meet round my chest or my bottom. Elle suggested I wear red underwear and a long coat. The Toyboy Trucker just sniggered unhelpfully and said no-one would be surprised to catch glimpses of me escaping from my clothes and why change the habits of a lifetime.
I'm now sulking - and fantasising about cheese...
Congratulations on the continuing downward trend at WW. I know a pound seems a measley amount, but it is all in the right direction and sometimes the body takes a while to adjust.
I wouldn't go with the mac - remember what happened when you were dropped off outside a certain library and waited for the Toyboy Trucker to park the car and walk back to meet you!!! Not the sort of thing you want happening at Elle's wedding!!!!!!
You'll do it and you'll look stunning.
Good luck moving on with Moonshine. I hope you have been able to settle today and make some progress. I think - hope - I have one chapter to go. No idea where to start it, mind you. And the days are speeding past far, far too quickly. Have far more confidence in you doing it than me.
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
A pound is still a pound, so well done, sometimes there is a weeks delay in the 'good' week and the weight coming off so next week you'll probably have lost those extra pounds (and I agree cheese is incredibly hard to cut down on!)
I'm very jealous actually as a few weeks ago I had to miss a ww meeting and so that week my self control went down the pan. Well I suppose for it to go down the pan I would actually have to have some to begin with but ypou get the drift. So I thought well I'll skip the next week and just eat lots of homemade veggie soup...that was about four weeks ago and I haven't been back since. I strongly suspect I have put on all I had lost...oh it's no good I will eat vegetables for the rest of the week and go again on tuesday..
Skulks off feeling fat and guilty!
Lori x
Put her in a book!
Maybe the walk will have a delayed effect and this week you'll have lost loads.
hell's teeth mags - what a memory you have - and for all my lit fest disasters. Not only have you reminded me of being knickerless on the Isle of Wight, now it's the being mistaken for a working girl in Leighton Buzzard (of all places!). Cheers! And no, I'll have enough probs at Elle and The Doctor's wedding venue without someone thinking I'm on the game!!! Good luck with your last chapter - you can do it!!! If I write a chapter a day from now until Christmas Eve I *might* make my deadline too...
Lori - so nice to know I'm not alone - and I'll cling to the "next week it might be better" thought (at least until next week...) Oh gawd though - that veggie soup is sooo grim. The only way it's edible is to grate cheese over the top (which might be where I'm going wrong). Please let me know how you get on when you go back to WW on Tues.
Thanks jan - yes, did think I might put her in a book and give her a love interest who wants her to be curvy... And it's weird that last week I was thrilled to lose 1lb because I didn't expect to lose anything, whereas this week the same loss is a disaster - clearly it's all in the mind (not on the hips!)...
Hurrah for the Cheese Brigade - the smellier and stronger the better! As a fellow veggie and detester of Weight Witches, I say keep up the cheese onslaught. You will look fab, I'm sure! xxx
Definitely put her in a book and get your own back on the old sourpuss. A fab idea for her to fancy a man who thinks she's too skinny and would benefit from a few curves. Serves her right. What is life without cheese?
Yes, I'm procrastinating - as usual! I hope you are making better progress than me and have written a whole chapter before I even got up! Good luck. I know you can and will do it.
Lots of love,
Mags xxx
claire - you're right of course - we cheese-worshippers should stick together - and I really, really wouldn't care about being curvy (ok, obese according to WW) if I hadn't bought THAT frock in a size 10/12 when I was a size 10/12 - which of course I'm not now... Still, it's ages til Easter isn't it???
mags - sorry, no chapter written at all. Been to Oxford with Elle - and we had chips!!!!!
It's horrible when that happens, but 5lbs in three weeks is brilliant, simply focus on that if you can.
Maybe next week all that exercise will catch up with your body and you'll have a several pound loss.
debs - you're lovely and kind - but we both know it won't happen. Not this week, next week, or ever. I am a pig and I have no willpower. I've eaten chips today out of spite. Ah well, loads of time until Easter...
Hi and well done at loseing 5lbs. Just been told by my Dr I have diabetes so all suger and nice yummy food is out of the window (SOB SOB) so I know how hard going it is. I couldnt give up cheese either not for a whole plate of cream cakes. oh hum I guess it is salads for me from now on. I wonder if cheese salad would be ok :) brilliant blogs by the way
thanks so much helen - glad you like the blog - and even more glad that you're another cheese addict. So sorry about the diabetes though - blimey, you don't even have a *choice* now do you? You poor thing. Cheese salad sounds good to me - cheese anything sounds good to me - sigh...
Chris - you are doing fantasticly well! 5lbs is a great loss, I'm dreading getting on the scales tomorrow morning after all I've eaten these last few days.
I wonder if you are eating enough?! With all that exercise(are you MAD woman?) you will be building and toning muscle and it certainly weighs more than fat. If your clothes are feeling better then just go with that, even measure yourself so you have other things to focus on rather than just the numbers on the scales.
Here's to a good week :)
mummy - bless you, you're so sweet and kind - but it's not muscle, it's F-A-T. Good luck with your weigh-in... And you're entitled to put weight on after a hol- it's law, so there!
Chris, you've done 5lbs in 3 weeks - that is total stardom. I used to get weeks when I'd been good and lost a measly 1/4 lb (I fell off the wagon earlier this year and may get back to it... after Christmas).
And I agree with what Jan says. Definitely put her in a book :o)
Another thought on exercise front - Wii Fit is really good fun. Kind of exercise that doesn't feel like it. (I have however passworded my weight information *g* and if son hacks into it he will be fined massive amounts of chocolate.)
Thanks Kate - and I'd be thrilled with 1/4lb at the mo to be honest. Sadly the m-o-t-b frock is still a size 10/12. I'm not. Have fallen seriously off the wagon this week after discovering chocolate meringues in Asda and being alone with no-one to say STOP! Will put a Wii Fit on my Christmas list - great idea!
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